Question / Help Mic Echo > Mute Mic No More Echo but you can still hear me


New Member
So an interesting bug I'm getting. Someone was telling me that I had an echo and I couldn't hear it. Then just last night I figured it out. When my mic is on it is transmitting twice. If I mute the mic it stops the echo but it's not muted. This is all of course through OBS not the Windows Mixer. Any thoughts?


Community Helper
Re: Mic Echo > Mute Mic No More Echo but you can still hear

Sounds like the mic is coming through the desktop device somehow. If you go into the mic settings, on the Listen tab, is it set to be listened by the desktop device?

What kind of mic is it?


Forum Admin
Re: Mic Echo > Mute Mic No More Echo but you can still hear

Make sure you don't have audio set to come through your webcam or any other video device attached to your scene.