Bug Report Mic cutting out


New Member
Hey there,

I've been streaming Minecraft via Game Capture w/ a Live Gamer HD. Before the .571 I was losing audio from all sources. After using the latest build tonight things were going well for several hours then my mic audio started cutting out. It got more frequent regardless of whether I restarted the stream or OBS its self. I'll post the last log from tonight and attach the last four logs as a zip file.

I noticed in the log files it lists my cpu speed as 3400MHz even though I'm currently OCed to 4800MHz.

If any more info is needed please let me know.

00:43:39: Open Broadcaster Software v0.571b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
00:43:39: -------------------------------
00:43:39: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
00:43:39: CPU Speed: 3400MHz
00:43:39: Physical Memory:  16333MB Total, 11792MB Free
00:43:39: stepping id: 7, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
00:43:39: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
00:43:39: monitor 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1920, 1200}
00:43:39: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
00:43:39: Aero is Disabled
00:43:39: -------------------------------
00:43:39: OBS Modules:
00:43:39: Base Address     Module
00:43:39: 000000003F570000 OBS.exe
00:43:39: 00000000EA430000 OBSApi.dll
00:43:39: 00000000FB5D0000 DShowPlugin.dll
00:43:39: 00000000FB060000 GraphicsCapture.dll
00:43:39: 00000000FB040000 NoiseGate.dll
00:43:39: 00000000FB000000 PSVPlugin.dll
00:43:39: 00000000FAFE0000 scenesw.dll
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Adapter 1
00:43:39:   Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
00:43:39:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 2051735552
00:43:39:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 2147807232
00:43:39: =====Stream Start: 2013-10-01, 00:43:39===============================================
00:43:39:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
00:43:39:   Base resolution: 1280x720
00:43:39:   Output resolution: 1280x720
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680...
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Audio Format: 44100hz
00:43:39: Playback device Default
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Using desktop audio input: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Using auxilary audio input: Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Audio Encoding: AAC
00:43:39:     bitrate: 160
00:43:39: Using text output
00:43:39: Using text output
00:43:39: Using bitmap image
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: Video Encoding: x264
00:43:39:     fps: 60
00:43:39:     width: 1280, height: 720
00:43:39:     preset: veryfast
00:43:39:     profile: high
00:43:39:     keyint: 120
00:43:39:     CBR: yes
00:43:39:     CFR: no
00:43:39:     max bitrate: 2400
00:43:39:     buffer size: 2400
00:43:39: ------------------------------------------
00:43:39: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
00:43:39: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )' is 192000, samples per sec is 48000
00:43:40: Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
00:43:40:   Server selection: rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app
00:43:40:   Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
00:43:41: Completed handshake with rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app in 188 ms.
00:43:41: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
00:43:41: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
00:43:42: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00:43:42:   New Scene
00:43:42: ------------------------------------------
00:43:42:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
00:43:42:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
00:43:42:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
00:43:42:     audio device: Disable,
00:43:42:     audio device id Disabled,
00:43:42: Using directshow input
00:43:42: Using graphics capture
00:43:42: SharedTexCapture hooked
00:43:43: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 131072 (buffer: 0 / 327680)
00:48:03: Capture window 0x0007047E invalid or changing, terminating capture
00:48:10: SharedTexCapture hooked
00:48:33: GraphicsCaptureSource::NewCapture:  eliminating old capture
00:48:33: SharedTexCapture hooked
00:48:36: GraphicsCaptureSource::NewCapture:  eliminating old capture
00:48:36: SharedTexCapture hooked
00:48:45: GraphicsCaptureSource::NewCapture:  eliminating old capture
00:48:45: SharedTexCapture hooked
Warning -- MMDeviceAudioSource::GetBuffer: GetNextPacketSize failed, result = 88890004
00:54:35: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 262144 (buffer: 0 / 327680)
01:08:33: Total frames encoded: 89638, total frames duplicated: 47 (0.05%)
01:08:33: Total frames rendered: 89616, number of late frames: 4 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
01:08:35: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
01:08:35: Average send payload: 5752 bytes, average send interval: 17 ms
01:08:35: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
01:08:35: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
01:08:35: Number of bytes sent: 477633374
01:08:35: Profiler time results:
01:08:35: ==============================================================
01:08:35: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.653 ms] [children: 34.5%] [unaccounted: 65.5%]
01:08:35: | scene->Preprocess - [34.5%] [avg time: 0.225 ms]
01:08:35: GPU download and conversion - [100%] [avg time: 0.066 ms] [children: 75.8%] [unaccounted: 24.2%]
01:08:35: | flush - [62.1%] [avg time: 0.041 ms]
01:08:35: | CopyResource - [12.1%] [avg time: 0.008 ms]
01:08:35: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [1.52%] [avg time: 0.001 ms]
01:08:35: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 0.433 ms] [children: 99.3%] [unaccounted: 0.693%]
01:08:35: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.3%] [avg time: 0.43 ms]
01:08:35: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.599 ms]
01:08:35: ==============================================================
01:08:35: Profiler CPU results:
01:08:35: ==============================================================
01:08:35: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.261 ms, total 23447 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0.001 ms, total 93.6 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.047 ms, total 4274.43 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.018 ms, total 1700.41 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0.011 ms, total 1045.21 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0.002 ms, total 202.801 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 0.105 ms, total 18922.9 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
01:08:35: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 0.103 ms, total 18626.5 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
01:08:35: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.005 ms, total 483.603 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
01:08:35: ==============================================================
01:08:35: =====Stream End: 2013-10-01, 01:08:35=================================================

Last game capture log:
2013-10-01, 00:48:10: we're booting up: 
00:48:10: D3D9 Present
00:48:10: (half life scientist) everything..  seems to be in order
00:48:10: D3D9EndScene called
00:48:10: 	BackBufferWidth: 126
00:48:10: 	BackBufferHeight: 10
00:48:10: 	BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
00:48:10: 	BackBufferCount: 1
00:48:10: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
00:48:10: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
00:48:10: 	SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
00:48:10: 	hDeviceWindow: 853152
00:48:10: 	Windowed: true
00:48:10: 	EnableAutoDepthStencil: true
00:48:10: 	AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_D16
00:48:10: 	Flags: None
00:48:10: 	FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
00:48:10: 	PresentationInterval: 0
00:48:10: };
00:48:10: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
00:48:10: D3D9SwapPresent called
00:48:10: DoD3D9GPUHook: success
00:48:10: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
00:48:10: 	Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
00:48:10: 	Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
00:48:10: 	Usage: D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET 
00:48:10: 	Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
00:48:10: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
00:48:10: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
00:48:10: 	Width: 546
00:48:10: 	Height: 222
00:48:10: };
00:48:10: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
00:48:14: NV Capture available
00:48:14: FBO available
00:48:14: GL Present
00:48:24: SwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:24: setting up gl data
00:48:24: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
00:48:24: wglSwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:24: setting up gl data
00:48:33: SwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:33: reacquiring gl due to resize...
00:48:33: share device: 251746216
00:48:33: share texture: 452142576
00:48:33: share device handle: 3710828430
00:48:33: share texture handle: 3374882274
00:48:33: DoGLGPUHook: success
00:48:36: D3D9EndScene called
00:48:36: D3D9SwapPresent called
00:48:36: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
00:48:36: 	Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
00:48:36: 	Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
00:48:36: 	Usage: D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET 
00:48:36: 	Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
00:48:36: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
00:48:36: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
00:48:36: 	Width: 1920
00:48:36: 	Height: 1058
00:48:36: };
00:48:36: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
00:48:36: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
00:48:36: wglSwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:36: setting up gl data
00:48:36: SwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:36: D3D9EndScene called
00:48:36: D3D9SwapPresent called
00:48:36: DoD3D9GPUHook: success
00:48:39: reacquiring gl due to resize...
00:48:39: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
00:48:39: wglSwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:39: setting up gl data
00:48:39: SwapBuffers(285284113) Called
00:48:45: reacquiring gl due to resize...
00:48:45: share device: 251749320
00:48:45: share texture: 456351600
00:48:45: share device handle: 3710821086
00:48:45: share texture handle: 3370662690
00:48:45: DoGLGPUHook: success
01:08:35: stop requested, terminating gl capture
01:08:35: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:08:35: wglSwapBuffers(285284113) Called
01:08:35: setting up gl data
01:08:35: SwapBuffers(285284113) Called
01:08:36: wglDeleteContext Called
01:08:36: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------


  • OBS_logs_MrPharCyde.zip
    21.5 KB · Views: 18


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hmm, I see the problem, it's getting disconnected:

Warning -- MMDeviceAudioSource::GetBuffer: GetNextPacketSize failed, result = 88890004

That error code means that the device was disconnected. Perhaps this is related to the fact that it's wireless? That might be a probable cause -- I'll have to fix this so that it automatically reconnects. It's been a thorn in my side since I first wrote the program.


New Member
Thanks for the response Jim.

Is there a temp solution for this? Should I leave my Astro A50s plugged in via USB for instance?


New Member
Started streaming 27 min ago and the mic just cut out again even with the A50 headet plugged in via USB. This is getting frustrating. :(


New Member
Seems to be consistently cutting out now every 20-30 min.

Figured I would post the most recent change log just in case.

18:41:20: Open Broadcaster Software v0.571b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
18:41:20: -------------------------------
18:41:20: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
18:41:20: CPU Speed: 3400MHz
18:41:20: Physical Memory:  16333MB Total, 14025MB Free
18:41:20: stepping id: 7, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
18:41:20: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
18:41:20: monitor 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1920, 1200}
18:41:20: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
18:41:20: Aero is Disabled
18:41:20: -------------------------------
18:41:20: OBS Modules:
18:41:20: Base Address     Module
18:41:20: 000000003FD50000 OBS.exe
18:41:20: 00000000EA130000 OBSApi.dll
18:41:20: 00000000F00C0000 DShowPlugin.dll
18:41:20: 00000000F0090000 GraphicsCapture.dll
18:41:20: 00000000F0070000 NoiseGate.dll
18:41:20: 00000000F0050000 PSVPlugin.dll
18:41:20: 00000000F0030000 scenesw.dll
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Adapter 1
18:41:20:   Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
18:41:20:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 2051735552
18:41:20:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 2147807232
18:41:20: =====Stream Start: 2013-10-01, 18:41:20===============================================
18:41:20:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
18:41:20:   Base resolution: 1280x720
18:41:20:   Output resolution: 1280x720
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680...
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Audio Format: 44100hz
18:41:20: Playback device Default
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Using desktop audio input: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Using auxilary audio input: Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Audio Encoding: AAC
18:41:20:     bitrate: 160
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
18:41:20:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
18:41:20:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
18:41:20:     audio device: Disable,
18:41:20:     audio device id Disabled,
18:41:20: Using directshow input
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20:     device: AVerMedia HD Capture C985 Bus 3,
18:41:20:     device id \\?\pci#ven_1af2&dev_a001&subsys_a0011af2&rev_00#4&2509623&0&00e0#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{957bd672-7934-4b55-b81a-3e22b14c679a},
18:41:20:     chosen type: YV12, usingFourCC: true, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 166666-666666, fourCC: 'YV12'
18:41:20: Using directshow input
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: Video Encoding: x264
18:41:20:     fps: 60
18:41:20:     width: 1280, height: 720
18:41:20:     preset: veryfast
18:41:20:     profile: high
18:41:20:     keyint: 120
18:41:20:     CBR: yes
18:41:20:     CFR: no
18:41:20:     max bitrate: 2400
18:41:20:     buffer size: 2400
18:41:20: ------------------------------------------
18:41:20: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
18:41:20: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )' is 192000, samples per sec is 48000
18:43:29: ------------------------------------------
18:43:29:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
18:43:29:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
18:43:29:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
18:43:29:     audio device: Disable,
18:43:29:     audio device id Disabled,
18:53:54: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18:53:54:   New Scene
18:53:54: Using text output
18:53:54: Using text output
18:53:54: Using bitmap image
18:53:55: PERFORMANCE WARNING: Scene change took 767 ms, maybe some sources should be global sources?
18:53:56: Total frames encoded: 45321, total frames duplicated: 1172 (2.59%)
18:53:56: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 13 (0.03%)
18:53:56: Total frames rendered: 44917, number of late frames: 82 (0.18%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
18:53:57: Profiler time results:
18:53:57: ==============================================================
18:53:57: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 1.887 ms] [children: 56.7%] [unaccounted: 43.3%]
18:53:57: | scene->Preprocess - [56.7%] [avg time: 1.07 ms]
18:53:57: GPU download and conversion - [100%] [avg time: 0.305 ms] [children: 41.6%] [unaccounted: 58.4%]
18:53:57: | flush - [27.5%] [avg time: 0.084 ms]
18:53:57: | CopyResource - [13.1%] [avg time: 0.04 ms]
18:53:57: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.984%] [avg time: 0.003 ms]
18:53:57: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 0.574 ms] [children: 99.3%] [unaccounted: 0.697%]
18:53:57: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.3%] [avg time: 0.57 ms]
18:53:57: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.846 ms]
18:53:57: ==============================================================
18:53:57: Profiler CPU results:
18:53:57: ==============================================================
18:53:57: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 1.05 ms, total 47190.3 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0.608 ms, total 27331.4 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.08 ms, total 3634.82 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.037 ms, total 1700.41 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0.022 ms, total 1014.01 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0.001 ms, total 46.8 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 0.588 ms, total 52853.1 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
18:53:57: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 0.587 ms, total 52697.1 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
18:53:57: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.195 ms, total 8860.86 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
18:53:57: ==============================================================
18:53:57: =====Stream End: 2013-10-01, 18:53:57=================================================
18:54:05: =====Stream Start: 2013-10-01, 18:54:05===============================================
18:54:05:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
18:54:05:   Base resolution: 1280x720
18:54:05:   Output resolution: 1280x720
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680...
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: Audio Format: 44100hz
18:54:05: Playback device Default
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: Using desktop audio input: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: Using auxilary audio input: Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: Audio Encoding: AAC
18:54:05:     bitrate: 160
18:54:05: Using text output
18:54:05: Using text output
18:54:05: Using bitmap image
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: Video Encoding: x264
18:54:05:     fps: 60
18:54:05:     width: 1280, height: 720
18:54:05:     preset: veryfast
18:54:05:     profile: high
18:54:05:     keyint: 120
18:54:05:     CBR: yes
18:54:05:     CFR: no
18:54:05:     max bitrate: 2400
18:54:05:     buffer size: 2400
18:54:05: ------------------------------------------
18:54:05: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
18:54:05: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )' is 192000, samples per sec is 48000
18:54:06: Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
18:54:06:   Server selection: rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app
18:54:06:   Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
18:54:06: Completed handshake with rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app in 185 ms.
18:54:07: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
18:54:07: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
18:54:08: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 131072 (buffer: 5206 / 327680)
18:57:04: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18:57:04:   New Scene
18:57:04: ------------------------------------------
18:57:04:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
18:57:04:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
18:57:04:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
18:57:04:     audio device: Disable,
18:57:04:     audio device id Disabled,
18:57:04: Using directshow input
18:57:04: ------------------------------------------
18:57:04:     device: AVerMedia HD Capture C985 Bus 3,
18:57:04:     device id \\?\pci#ven_1af2&dev_a001&subsys_a0011af2&rev_00#4&2509623&0&00e0#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{957bd672-7934-4b55-b81a-3e22b14c679a},
18:57:04:     chosen type: YV12, usingFourCC: true, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 166666-666666, fourCC: 'YV12'
18:57:04: Using directshow input
19:30:36: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 262144 (buffer: 0 / 327680)
19:42:00: Total frames encoded: 172496, total frames duplicated: 3179 (1.84%)
19:42:00: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 23 (0.01%)
19:42:00: Total frames rendered: 171194, number of late frames: 727 (0.42%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
19:42:01: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
19:42:01: Average send payload: 6392 bytes, average send interval: 19 ms
19:42:01: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
19:42:01: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
19:42:01: Number of bytes sent: 922139122
19:42:01: Profiler time results:
19:42:01: ==============================================================
19:42:01: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 1.237 ms] [children: 79.5%] [unaccounted: 20.5%]
19:42:01: | scene->Preprocess - [79.5%] [avg time: 0.983 ms]
19:42:01: GPU download and conversion - [100%] [avg time: 0.707 ms] [children: 42.7%] [unaccounted: 57.3%]
19:42:01: | flush - [28.7%] [avg time: 0.203 ms]
19:42:01: | CopyResource - [13.6%] [avg time: 0.096 ms]
19:42:01: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.424%] [avg time: 0.003 ms]
19:42:01: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 0.706 ms] [children: 99.2%] [unaccounted: 0.85%]
19:42:01: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.2%] [avg time: 0.7 ms]
19:42:01: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.835 ms]
19:42:01: ==============================================================
19:42:01: Profiler CPU results:
19:42:01: ==============================================================
19:42:01: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.598 ms, total 102383 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0.532 ms, total 91198.2 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.053 ms, total 9219.66 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.025 ms, total 4383.64 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0.014 ms, total 2418.01 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0.002 ms, total 343.201 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 0.681 ms, total 233424 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
19:42:01: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 0.679 ms, total 232566 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
19:42:01: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.223 ms, total 38485.4 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
19:42:01: ==============================================================
19:42:01: =====Stream End: 2013-10-01, 19:42:01=================================================
19:42:12: =====Stream Start: 2013-10-01, 19:42:12===============================================
19:42:12:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
19:42:12:   Base resolution: 1280x720
19:42:12:   Output resolution: 1280x720
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680...
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: Audio Format: 44100hz
19:42:12: Playback device Default
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: Using desktop audio input: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: Using auxilary audio input: Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: Audio Encoding: AAC
19:42:12:     bitrate: 160
19:42:12: Using text output
19:42:12: Using text output
19:42:12: Using bitmap image
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: Video Encoding: x264
19:42:12:     fps: 60
19:42:12:     width: 1280, height: 720
19:42:12:     preset: veryfast
19:42:12:     profile: high
19:42:12:     keyint: 120
19:42:12:     CBR: yes
19:42:12:     CFR: no
19:42:12:     max bitrate: 2400
19:42:12:     buffer size: 2400
19:42:12: ------------------------------------------
19:42:12: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
19:42:12: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )' is 192000, samples per sec is 48000
19:42:14: Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
19:42:14:   Server selection: rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app
19:42:14:   Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
19:42:14: Completed handshake with rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app in 188 ms.
19:42:15: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
19:42:15: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
19:42:16: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 131072 (buffer: 0 / 327680)
19:43:08: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19:43:08:   New Scene
19:43:08: ------------------------------------------
19:43:08:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
19:43:08:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
19:43:08:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
19:43:08:     audio device: Disable,
19:43:08:     audio device id Disabled,
19:43:08: Using directshow input
19:43:08: Using graphics capture
19:43:08: SharedTexCapture hooked
19:57:32: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 262144 (buffer: 0 / 327680)
Warning -- MMDeviceAudioSource::GetBuffer: GetNextPacketSize failed, result = 88890004
20:10:13: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20:10:13:   New Scene
20:10:13: ------------------------------------------
20:10:13:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
20:10:13:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
20:10:13:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
20:10:13:     audio device: Disable,
20:10:13:     audio device id Disabled,
20:10:13: Using directshow input
20:10:13: Using text output
20:10:13: Using bitmap image
20:10:13: PERFORMANCE WARNING: Scene change took 717 ms, maybe some sources should be global sources?
20:10:50: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20:10:50:   New Scene
20:10:50: ------------------------------------------
20:10:50:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
20:10:50:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
20:10:50:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
20:10:50:     audio device: Disable,
20:10:50:     audio device id Disabled,
20:10:50: Using directshow input
20:10:50: Using graphics capture
20:10:51: PERFORMANCE WARNING: Scene change took 680 ms, maybe some sources should be global sources?
20:10:51: SharedTexCapture hooked
20:12:42: Total frames encoded: 109780, total frames duplicated: 111 (0.10%)
20:12:42: Total frames rendered: 109700, number of late frames: 8 (0.01%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
20:12:44: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
20:12:44: Average send payload: 5776 bytes, average send interval: 17 ms
20:12:44: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
20:12:44: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
20:12:44: Number of bytes sent: 587062701
20:12:44: Profiler time results:
20:12:44: ==============================================================
20:12:44: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.502 ms] [children: 47.6%] [unaccounted: 52.4%]
20:12:44: | scene->Preprocess - [47.6%] [avg time: 0.239 ms]
20:12:44: GPU download and conversion - [100%] [avg time: 0.145 ms] [children: 91%] [unaccounted: 8.97%]
20:12:44: | flush - [79.3%] [avg time: 0.115 ms]
20:12:44: | CopyResource - [10.3%] [avg time: 0.015 ms]
20:12:44: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [1.38%] [avg time: 0.002 ms]
20:12:44: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 0.455 ms] [children: 99.3%] [unaccounted: 0.659%]
20:12:44: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.3%] [avg time: 0.452 ms]
20:12:44: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.624 ms]
20:12:44: ==============================================================
20:12:44: Profiler CPU results:
20:12:44: ==============================================================
20:12:44: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.082 ms, total 9032.46 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0.002 ms, total 296.4 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.12 ms, total 13213.3 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.102 ms, total 11294.5 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0.011 ms, total 1216.81 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0.002 ms, total 234.001 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 0.247 ms, total 54303.9 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
20:12:44: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 0.246 ms, total 54007.5 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
20:12:44: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.01 ms, total 1201.21 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:12:44: ==============================================================
20:12:44: =====Stream End: 2013-10-01, 20:12:44=================================================
20:12:46: =====Stream Start: 2013-10-01, 20:12:46===============================================
20:12:46:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
20:12:46:   Base resolution: 1280x720
20:12:46:   Output resolution: 1280x720
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680...
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: Audio Format: 44100hz
20:12:46: Playback device Default
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: Using desktop audio input: Headset Earphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: Using auxilary audio input: Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: Audio Encoding: AAC
20:12:46:     bitrate: 160
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46:     device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920,
20:12:46:     device id \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#9&1988a197&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083},
20:12:46:     chosen type: I420, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x720 - 1280x720, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000, fourCC: 'I420'
20:12:46:     audio device: Disable,
20:12:46:     audio device id Disabled,
20:12:46: Using directshow input
20:12:46: Using graphics capture
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: Video Encoding: x264
20:12:46:     fps: 60
20:12:46:     width: 1280, height: 720
20:12:46:     preset: veryfast
20:12:46:     profile: high
20:12:46:     keyint: 120
20:12:46:     CBR: yes
20:12:46:     CFR: no
20:12:46:     max bitrate: 2400
20:12:46:     buffer size: 2400
20:12:46: ------------------------------------------
20:12:46: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Headset Earphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )' is 384000, samples per sec is 48000
20:12:46: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Headset Microphone (ASTRO Wireless Transmitter )' is 192000, samples per sec is 48000
20:12:46: SharedTexCapture hooked
20:12:48: Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
20:12:48:   Server selection: rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app
20:12:48:   Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
20:12:48: Completed handshake with rtmp://live-iad-backup.justin.tv/app in 185 ms.
20:12:49: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
20:12:49: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
20:12:50: RTMPPublisher::Socketloop: Increasing send buffer to ISB 131072 (buffer: 0 / 327680)
20:36:25: Total frames encoded: 85066, total frames duplicated: 11 (0.01%)
20:36:25: Total frames rendered: 85072, number of late frames: 3 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
20:36:26: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Graceful loop exit
20:36:26: Average send payload: 5896 bytes, average send interval: 18 ms
20:36:26: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
20:36:26: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (0%), Total 0 (0%)
20:36:26: Number of bytes sent: 452033157
20:36:26: Profiler time results:
20:36:26: ==============================================================
20:36:26: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.49 ms] [children: 49.4%] [unaccounted: 50.6%]
20:36:26: | scene->Preprocess - [49.4%] [avg time: 0.242 ms]
20:36:26: GPU download and conversion - [100%] [avg time: 0.14 ms] [children: 90%] [unaccounted: 10%]
20:36:26: | flush - [78.6%] [avg time: 0.11 ms]
20:36:26: | CopyResource - [10%] [avg time: 0.014 ms]
20:36:26: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [1.43%] [avg time: 0.002 ms]
20:36:26: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 0.453 ms] [children: 99.1%] [unaccounted: 0.883%]
20:36:26: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.1%] [avg time: 0.449 ms]
20:36:26: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.662 ms]
20:36:26: ==============================================================
20:36:26: Profiler CPU results:
20:36:26: ==============================================================
20:36:26: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.06 ms, total 5148.04 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0.002 ms, total 202.804 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.135 ms, total 11497.3 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.112 ms, total 9531.66 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0.014 ms, total 1201.21 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0.003 ms, total 296.401 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 0.268 ms, total 45645.9 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
20:36:26: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 0.267 ms, total 45443.1 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
20:36:26: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.012 ms, total 1045.21 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:36:26: ==============================================================
20:36:26: =====Stream End: 2013-10-01, 20:36:26=================================================

Last game capture log:
2013-10-01, 19:43:08: we're booting up: 
19:43:08: D3D9 Present
19:43:08: NV Capture available
19:43:08: FBO available
19:43:08: GL Present
19:43:08: (half life scientist) everything..  seems to be in order
19:43:08: SwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
19:43:08: setting up gl data
19:43:08: share device: 385805368
19:43:08: share texture: 385346608
19:43:08: share device handle: 3709930190
19:43:08: share texture handle: 3307389570
19:43:08: DoGLGPUHook: success
19:43:08: wglSwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
20:10:13: stop requested, terminating gl capture
20:10:13: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
20:10:13: wglSwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
20:10:13: setting up gl data
20:10:13: SwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
20:10:51: share device: 691638408
20:10:51: share texture: 384864304
20:10:51: share device handle: 3709930190
20:10:51: share texture handle: 3302935538
20:10:51: DoGLGPUHook: success
20:12:44: stop requested, terminating gl capture
20:12:44: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
20:12:44: wglSwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
20:12:44: setting up gl data
20:12:44: SwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
20:12:46: share device: 691638408
20:12:46: share texture: 385342512
20:12:46: share device handle: 3709930190
20:12:46: share texture handle: 3302935538
20:12:46: DoGLGPUHook: success
20:36:26: stop requested, terminating gl capture
20:36:26: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
20:36:26: wglSwapBuffers(1845565606) Called
20:36:26: setting up gl data
20:36:26: SwapBuffers(1845565606) Called


New Member
Quick update, I downloaded the 57.04 beta and while there's popping from the audio only the audio from Minecraft (game capture) has cut out once and I just needed to restart Minecraft to fix it. I'm going on 2 hrs and 30 min now and that's been the only issue.


New Member
Follow up. Streaming session using 9.571b lasted almost 5 hours and then both mic and game capture audio froze up and stopped. I'll stop posting any more logs, etc. unless asked as I'm not sure if any of this info offers anything knew.

Last game capture log:
2013-10-02, 01:28:10: we're booting up: 
01:28:10: D3D9 Present
01:28:11: NV Capture available
01:28:11: FBO available
01:28:11: GL Present
01:28:11: (half life scientist) everything..  seems to be in order
01:28:11: D3D9EndScene called
01:28:11: 	BackBufferWidth: 126
01:28:11: 	BackBufferHeight: 10
01:28:11: 	BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
01:28:11: 	BackBufferCount: 1
01:28:11: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
01:28:11: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
01:28:11: 	SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
01:28:11: 	hDeviceWindow: 394442
01:28:11: 	Windowed: true
01:28:11: 	EnableAutoDepthStencil: true
01:28:11: 	AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_D16
01:28:11: 	Flags: None
01:28:11: 	FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
01:28:11: 	PresentationInterval: 0
01:28:11: };
01:28:11: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
01:28:11: D3D9SwapPresent called
01:28:11: DoD3D9GPUHook: success
01:28:11: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
01:28:11: 	Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
01:28:11: 	Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
01:28:11: 	Usage: D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET 
01:28:11: 	Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
01:28:11: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
01:28:11: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
01:28:11: 	Width: 854
01:28:11: 	Height: 480
01:28:11: };
01:28:11: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
01:28:11: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:11: setting up gl data
01:28:11: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:28:11: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:11: setting up gl data
01:28:11: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:23: stop requested, terminating gl capture
01:28:23: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:28:23: share device: 255306984
01:28:23: share texture: 388495856
01:28:23: share device handle: 3704891022
01:28:23: share texture handle: 3304230178
01:28:23: DoGLGPUHook: success
01:28:23: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:23: setting up gl data
01:28:32: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:33: D3D9EndScene called
01:28:33: D3D9SwapPresent called
01:28:33: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
01:28:33: 	Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
01:28:33: 	Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
01:28:33: 	Usage: D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET 
01:28:33: 	Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
01:28:33: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
01:28:33: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
01:28:33: 	Width: 854
01:28:33: 	Height: 480
01:28:33: };
01:28:33: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
01:28:56: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:28:56: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:56: setting up gl data
01:28:56: D3D9EndScene called
01:28:56: D3D9SwapPresent called
01:28:56: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:56: DoD3D9GPUHook: success
01:28:56: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
01:28:56: 	Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
01:28:56: 	Type: D3DRTYPE_SURFACE
01:28:56: 	Usage: D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET 
01:28:56: 	Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
01:28:56: 	MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
01:28:56: 	MultiSampleQuality: 0
01:28:56: 	Width: 1920
01:28:56: 	Height: 1058
01:28:56: };
01:28:56: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU
01:28:59: reacquiring gl due to resize...
01:28:59: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:28:59: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:28:59: setting up gl data
01:28:59: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:29:02: reacquiring gl due to resize...
01:29:02: share device: 384855944
01:29:02: share texture: 252870192
01:29:02: share device handle: 3704891022
01:29:02: share texture handle: 3706544674
01:29:02: DoGLGPUHook: success
01:30:05: stop requested, terminating gl capture
01:30:05: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:30:05: share device: 384855944
01:30:05: share texture: 473704240
01:30:05: share device handle: 3704891022
01:30:05: share texture handle: 3703610514
01:30:05: DoGLGPUHook: success
01:30:05: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:30:05: setting up gl data
01:30:05: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:30:06: stop requested, terminating gl capture
01:30:06: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:30:06: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:30:06: setting up gl data
01:30:06: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:30:12: D3D9EndScene called
01:30:12: D3D9SwapPresent called
01:30:12: D3D9Reset called
01:30:12: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
01:30:12: failed to get d3d9 swap chain to initialize hooks
01:30:12: D3D9Reset called
01:30:12: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
01:30:12: SwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:30:12: wglSwapBuffers(2919308411) Called
01:30:12: D3D9EndScene called
01:30:12: D3D9SwapPresent called
01:30:13: wglDeleteContext Called
01:30:13: ---------------------- Cleared OpenGL Capture ----------------------
01:30:13: D3D9EndScene called
01:30:13: D3D9SwapPresent called


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I personally think it would be best to have it plugged in, yea. Right now OBS doesn't deal with devices disconnecting very well (which will be fixed in the future), so make sure your device isn't in a wireless mode, otherwise you're just subject to these sort of problems.