First, I'm french, so sorry for the approximative english ;)
I use OBS since 1 week and I love it!
I have some questions for my livestreams, I already check on the internet but I find no answers.
So, first, I have a Steelseries sibéria v2 for speak, but the problem with this headset is that the background noise is very loud.
On Xsplit, when I'm not speaking, the mic is mute automaticaly. With OBS, I found the option "push to talk" but it's not what I want. I want like a voice level activation, you see?
Is this possible?
Second, I use a capture card from AverMedia (H727) for capture device. I really love the feature "output sound to stream only" who save me from the echo !
But the problem is that the sound of the game is too loud. I check for configure but there is no options for the sound on my capture card.
I can't reduce the sound of the stream, because I use skype and I will also reduce the sound of skype.
So, I ask you where I can reduce the volume of my capture card? I'm not an expert with it... ^^
edit: When I stream on youtube (with the new youtube livestream), I got this message: http://puu.sh/2qLYW
I can start the stream, and it seems good, no lag, no frames drop but what thing I got to change for not having this message anymore?
First, I'm french, so sorry for the approximative english ;)
I use OBS since 1 week and I love it!
I have some questions for my livestreams, I already check on the internet but I find no answers.
So, first, I have a Steelseries sibéria v2 for speak, but the problem with this headset is that the background noise is very loud.
On Xsplit, when I'm not speaking, the mic is mute automaticaly. With OBS, I found the option "push to talk" but it's not what I want. I want like a voice level activation, you see?
Is this possible?
Second, I use a capture card from AverMedia (H727) for capture device. I really love the feature "output sound to stream only" who save me from the echo !
But the problem is that the sound of the game is too loud. I check for configure but there is no options for the sound on my capture card.
I can't reduce the sound of the stream, because I use skype and I will also reduce the sound of skype.
So, I ask you where I can reduce the volume of my capture card? I'm not an expert with it... ^^
edit: When I stream on youtube (with the new youtube livestream), I got this message: http://puu.sh/2qLYW
I can start the stream, and it seems good, no lag, no frames drop but what thing I got to change for not having this message anymore?