Bug Report Mic audio is ahead of Game audio.

Rugged Savior

New Member
I'm a newbie when it comes to live streaming, and I tested out a few streams on twitch.tv today. Although the audio and video quality was good, there was a sync problem. It seems as though the MIC audio is 5 seconds ahead of the GAME audio. I'm using the Hauppauge HD PVR 2, and I'm capturing via MONITOR capturing.

Here's a sample video of what I'm talking about.

Any solutions? Thank you.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This isn't a bug, this is because USB devices require time to decode. If you want to delay your mic to match your device, you need to delay it in audio settings using "mic time offset (milliseconds)", which you'd set to 5000 milliseconds for 5 seconds. (I hope I didn't put a hard limit on that)


Btw please don't double post. If accidentally double posting, you can delete the another one. Nothing personal. :p It just confuses people who want to help you because they dont know which one you follow. :)


I have been wondering for a while why there is no USB 3.0 capturecards (thunderbolt capturecards already exist) since they wouldn't need to encode the footage before outputting to PC via usb since it has 10 times higher bandwidth (usb 3.0 4.8Gb, usb 2.0 480Mb). Usb 2.0 cant transfer raw footage so thats why they need hw encoding before outputting
I am curious as to why these out-of-sync occurences are happening now. I never used to have to set delays on previous versions of OBS.


AnEternalEnigma said:
I am curious as to why these out-of-sync occurences are happening now. I never used to have to set delays on previous versions of OBS.
It's not OBS's issue. you just haven't noticed it before.