Making my first simple plugin - Linker error


New Member
Hello, I would first like to apologize if I'm posting this in the incorrect section.

I have just started developing my first plugin for OBS, and I'm getting a linker error. I've looked on Google, and I can't find anything relevant to what I'm missing. I believe I'm just missing a header file.

I've tried many but can't seem to find the correct one responsible for what I'm trying to achieve. Anyways, all I'm trying to do is get the current scene and display some text.

#include ".deps/include/obs-frontend-api.h"
#include <obs-module.h>
#include <plugin-support.h>


bool obs_module_load(void)
obs_source_t *hello_world_source;

obs_log(LOG_INFO, "plugin loaded successfully (version %s)", PLUGIN_VERSION);

hello_world_source = obs_source_create("text_gdiplus", "Hello World", NULL, NULL);

if (hello_world_source) {
obs_scene_t *current_scene = obs_frontend_get_current_scene();

return true;

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol obs_frontend_get_current_scene referenced in function obs_module_load obs_debug_plugin C:\Users\Joel\Desktop\obs-plugintemplate-master\build_x64\plugin-main.obj 1