Make the "Random" on the Image Gallery "Smarter"


New Member
Ok, here is what I have noticed. You can add an Image Gallery on OBS and select "Random" but this random option, while it works, it doesn't work as i was expecting. Let me explain.

While it goes random from a file to another, it repeats images before going trough all the images.

Would it be possible to Code this random function so it first shows all the images at least once before repeating a new random cycle?


New Member
Well, actually this post isn't asking for an answer, as it's Feedback/Suggestions, but... Does anyone know a Pulgin that can do this better than the one Built in with OBS?



You can achieve this kind of behavior using clr browser plugin and a javascript (coded by yourself or someone else) that does exactly what you have in mind.
As for OBS' native image slideshow , well, technically, such behavior can be implemented, tho, speaking for myself, I see it as an edge case, one that might not be worth investing time in it since it's not a "popular demand" thing


New Member
Oh ok, true, not really something popular, and as far as I tested, I decided to remove the image gallery with random images from my scenes as they were causing lag on the scenes to load and also because of them my audio goes out of sync during the stream if I use the "BRB" screen I had setup with the image gallery, so I decided not to use it till I find a way to achieve the same without having the audio problem ;)


I can put something together if it's JavaScript-based.

It could also be done in a way that you have 2 images directories and it moves images from one to the other after they've been chosen. Then when there are 0 images to show, move all the previous images back in the main directory.