Question / Help Make stream hear different from what I hear?


New Member
Hi guys,

is it possible to somehow, from OBS or using some other program, make my stream hear something else than I do?

For example:

- Stream can hear 100% of the music, my Mic, 0% of Mumble, 75% of Skype , something like that
- And I can hear 25% of the music, 0% of my Mic, 100% Mumble, 100% Skype

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say :D Basically, making two speakers where OBS uses one and my headset uses the other one?


you need to use Virtual Audio Cable for that or something similar, by itself you cannot do it with obs (with exception for direct output from certain devices).


The Helping Squad
You dont necessarily need Virtual Audio cable just to hear something different than your stream. But for your very special setup flavored is probably right. I made a few guides on how to exclude sound off stream and include multiple audio sources:

They should get you started for your setup and if you have questions just post them here.