macOS 10.15 Catalina Support Status

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New Member
Having the same issue as JayTeeCee, OBS runs perfectly until I try to add a NDI Source for my Elgato HD60 S, crashes immediately after I click 'OK'.

MacOS Catalina 10.15.4
OBS 24.0.6
NDI 4.7.1


New Member
I installed OBS on OSX Catalina. I am trying to configure it to allow Screen Recording but OBS is not listed as an option in System Preferences->Security and Privacy->Screen Recording on my Mac. I don't see a way to browse to add an unlisted app. OBS doesn't prompt me when it starts to allow screen recording. Is there a workaround for this?


New Member
Hi Guys, I just got an ATEM mini, I downloaded the software and hooked it up with my Mac laptop. It’s working great!
I have also downloaded the OBS software so I can live stream to Facebook, but I’m having some trouble. OBS doesn’t seem to recognise the ATEM switcher. I have watched a bunch of video tutorials and still have no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Hi Guys, I just got an ATEM mini, I downloaded the software and hooked it up with my Mac laptop. It’s working great!
I have also downloaded the OBS software so I can live stream to Facebook, but I’m having some trouble. OBS doesn’t seem to recognise the ATEM switcher. I have watched a bunch of video tutorials and still have no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have ATEM mini connected with iMac by usb-c. I can grab the video/audio from that as from any webcam. How do you connect it?

Dave Dunkan

New Member

This is a workaround for a Mac CaSeSeNsITiVe filesystem.....

Sorry for crossposting:
madpsy commented 2 days ago
Yes - run it directly from the .dmg container rather than copying and running it from Applications,


New Member
I've been researching trying to figure out why I keep getting an OBS Studio crash when using OBS Link (NDI Source) and have tried all the ways listed. Launching from terminal opens OBS Studio no problem but when trying to select the input source as NDI Source it crashes. Is there something that I can do to capture my Xbox One S to my Mac or should I look at a different set up altogether?


You may have wrong version of NDI runtime installed. Installation link is misleading to the v. 4.5. You need 4.0 Please read the forum. It has the solution.


New Member
Hey everyone,

I am having issues with OBS and the NDI plugin on my mac, functionality of OBS itself seems to be fine and I have installed the NDI plugin as it shows up within the OBS application. However, when I attempt to add an NDI Source, the OBS application crashes after selecting the source name and clicking 'OK'. Is there a solution to this problem? or is anyone else experiencing this?

MacOS: Catalina 10.15.3
OBS: 24.0.3
NDI: 4.5

I'm having the same issue as you've described even when trying to install and run different versions of the NDI plugin. Not sure what the fix is here exactly or what I'm doing wrong. Been fighting with this for what seems the better of 2 days.


New Member
My error message (starting in terminal and then waiting for the crash) is
zsh: segmentation fault /Applications/


New Member
I installed OBS on OSX Catalina. I am trying to configure it to allow Screen Recording but OBS is not listed as an option in System Preferences->Security and Privacy->Screen Recording on my Mac. I don't see a way to browse to add an unlisted app. OBS doesn't prompt me when it starts to allow screen recording. Is there a workaround for this?

Same for me: just installed OBS 24.0.6, used the 'wizzard' to set it up, and I am not prompted to allow screen captures, nor is OBS a clickable option for screen captures in the privacy settings. This happens both on my MacBook running macOS 10.15.3 and my iMac also on 10.15.3.


New Member
Same for me: just installed OBS 24.0.6, used the 'wizzard' to set it up, and I am not prompted to allow screen captures, nor is OBS a clickable option for screen captures in the privacy settings. This happens both on my MacBook running macOS 10.15.3 and my iMac also on 10.15.3.
I think it works now: in the properties for Window capture I marked the option 'Show windows with empty names'. As soon as I did that I was prompted to go to the system preferences and allow OBS to capture my screen.

New Member
I think it works now: in the properties for Window capture I marked the option 'Show windows with empty names'. As soon as I did that I was prompted to go to the system preferences and allow OBS to capture my screen.
I have the same issue. OBS not showing up for screen recording (MacBook Air w/Catalina 10.15.3). Not familiar with and couldn't find the 'Window capture' properties or option 'Show windows with empty names'. Is that an OBS or Mac setting?


New Member
I have the same issue. OBS not showing up for screen recording (MacBook Air w/Catalina 10.15.3). Not familiar with and couldn't find the 'Window capture' properties or option 'Show windows with empty names'. Is that an OBS or Mac setting?

I got it working. What I did (at least I think so, I was checking a few different things) was go into a scene and delete screen capture as a source then add it back. In my case I had imported some JSON from another user. After I added screen capture as a source OBS showed up properly in the Privacy settings.


New Member
Well somehow I f***** up and accidentally allowed my MacBook Pro 2019 update to Catalina 10.15.4 and ever since then I cannot for the life of me getting OBS to even open.

I have tried several work arounds including right click + open, opening the.dmg file rather than from applications, and even launching from terminal all to no avail.

It's been over 24 hours now and I am going insane trying to figure this out. I need help.


Steps needed to recreate

1. Downloaded the latest version of OBS Studio for Mac from OBS's website
2. When prompted to drag to applications, did that and chose to "replace" existing copy of OBS
3. Attempted to open OBS by left clicking on the applications from the launchpad


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New Member
Well somehow I f***** up and accidentally allowed my MacBook Pro 2019 update to Catalina 10.15.4 and ever since then I cannot for the life of me getting OBS to even open.

I have tried several work arounds including right click + open, opening the.dmg file rather than from applications, and even launching from terminal all to no avail.

It's been over 24 hours now and I am going insane trying to figure this out. I need help.


Steps needed to recreate

1. Downloaded the latest version of OBS Studio for Mac from OBS's website
2. When prompted to drag to applications, did that and chose to "replace" existing copy of OBS
3. Attempted to open OBS by left clicking on the applications from the launchpad

I appear to be having a similar problem.


New Member
Bei mir funktioniert die Bildschirmaufnahme reibungslos. Hier mal meine Einstellungen in der Szene. Vielleicht hilft es ja jemandem weiter...
Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-09 um 22.19.53.png


New Member
The latest version of OBS Studio, 24.0.6, has now been released and should work on macOS 10.15 Catalina. You can download it here:

You should not need to do any of the previous workarounds anymore. It should work as a regular Mac app. That said, you will likely need to grant the app permission to capture the screen, cameras, and microphones, though the program should prompt you to do so. If it does not, you can grant permissions manually in your Security and Privacy settings.

The newest version of macOS, 10.15 "Catalina", is now available. However, OBS Studio is currently not yet fully compatible with it. These issues stem from a change to the way Catalina handles permissions for things such as capturing webcams and microphones. For example, if you have a webcam capture in one of your scenes, OBS will crash. We are currently working on a fix.

Users currently have two options for running OBS on Catalina right now:

Option 1: Download and run the test build

This is a test build that we have put together that reorganizes the application package in a way more compatible with Catalina. Please help us test this version and let us know if you encounter any issues with it. We hope to have a formal release soon.

Important notes about this build:
  • This build is not signed, so the first time you open it, macOS may complain and not let you open it. If you can't open OBS, right-click on the icon and click "Open", and the pop-up should have an "Open" option available to open the program anyway.
  • The updater may not work correctly, so you will likely need to manually download the full update later when it comes out. However, this should work for many of you at least as a stop-gap so you at least have something working.
  • The install process has changed. Now when you open the .dmg file, you simply need to drag the file into your Applications folder to install.
Download the test release here:

Option 2: Run OBS manually from the Terminal

If you want to run the normal release, you will likely need to run OBS via the Terminal. Open the Terminal app and type the following:

open /Applications/ --args -picture

NOTE: When you run OBS from the Terminal this way, and attempt to add things such as webcam capture or display capture, the Terminal will ask for these permissions instead of OBS. If so, be sure to grant those permissions to the Terminal to ensure functionality in OBS.

Important Notes

Permissions for Display Capture, Microphone, and Cameras

If you are trying to capture your display, microphone, or a camera on Catalina, you should get a pop-up asking to grant permission to OBS to allow it to do so. However, it seems that some users are not getting this pop-up. If you are having trouble with any of these things, you may need to manually grant OBS these permissions.

To do so, go to Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy, then under the entries for "Screen Recording", "Camera", and "Microphone", ensure that OBS is checked. Note that if you are running OBS from the Terminal, you may need to grant these permissions to the Terminal as well (unconfirmed).

Note about the NDI plugin:

For those of you using the third-party NDI plugin, you may need to run the following three commands from the Terminal in order to get it working:
sudo install_name_tool -change @rpath/QtWidgets @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets /Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-ndi/bin/

sudo install_name_tool -change @rpath/QtGui @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui /Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-ndi/bin/

sudo install_name_tool -change @rpath/QtCore @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore /Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-ndi/bin/
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