Question / Help Mac OBS


New Member
I would like to know when the new update for the mac OBS will be coming out, and will it be like the windows version. Right now I'm having a few issues, for number 1 when I use elgato and for console the video quality is glitchy and disgusting. When I use my facecam on my mac the camera is delayed heaps from my audio and game capture.

Please do something about this it would be a great application for streaming !


Active Member
Nothing we can do about the elgato side of things because they don't provide a proper interface to their hardware on mac. It's nothing we can fix.


New Member
Can you's contact them see if they can develop to include that feature? Can I delay my webcam, because the game capture is a little behind, if not do you's think you's can include that in the next update ?


New Member
Yo I ended up getting it synced with the webcam, but the audio isn't synced is there anyway of getting around that ?


Forum Moderator
Click on the cog/gear icon above the audio mixer and configure a sync offset for the devices that need to be delayed.