Question / Help Lower Frame rate in game while OBS open on 2nd monitor


New Member

Just a quick question:

When I stream LoL or CSGO and have OBS open on my 2nd monitor, it lowers my framerate in game about 20-30 and doesn't feel smooth. When I minimize OBS, it makes everything more smooth. However, my friend streams 1080p 60fps games and keeps OBS open on 2nd monitor and it looks as smooth as it would with OBS minimized.

So my question is, is there a way I can keep OBS open on 2nd monitor like my friend without receiving FPS drops?

Log file:


DOon't use monitor capture as it is by far the slowest of all three. If you HAVE to use it, disable WindowsAERO.

Using gamecapture instead should make your expirience more smooth, even tho I don't recommend streaming 1080p@60FPS because Flash seems to have problems with it at the moment.
Moreover, going over 3500~bitrate makes it hard for your viewers to watch. I would recommend lowering it.


Community Helper
He is on Windows 8. Monitor capture is actually pretty good on Windows 8. Game capture is better though.

But 1080p60 is definitely pretty high, and most viewers can't even watch it without Flash crapping out. Either stick to 1080p30 or 720p60, and lower your bit rate to 3500. Also, you should be using AAC instead of MP3 audio, unless you have a good reason to use MP3 otherwise.