Question / Help Low Upload Decent Computer settings for CS:GO?


New Member
Hey, I'm a professional CS:GO player and I need help with my streaming settings because people and fans don't enjoy watching my stream when the pixelation makes it look awful.

UPLOAD: ... kollen.jpg (on a swedish side to gothenbourg) (to frankfurt)

Computer Specs:

CPU - I5 2500K
GPU - Nvidia Geforce GTX 670
Memory - 12GB
Motherboard - MSi p67a-c45 b3

Current OBS Settings:

Video Resolution - 854x480
FPS - 25
Bitrate - 700 , Buffer - 700
Quality - 6
x264 preset - faster
codec - AAC , bitrate - 128

Anyone can help me out with some settings? I will post a VOD under here how it looks with the quality right now.

Sincerely, pyth :D


you should be set the x264 Preset back to veryfast. I guess it makes not a huge difference for this amount of cpu usage. you can go up to 60 fps with your graphic card. use also the lanczos filter. You can set your bitrate/buffer a bit higher at ~1.8 MB up. Set it to like 1.2-1.3. You can use about 80% of your upload speed.


The thing about SpeedTest -- its method of testing is not suitable for streaming purposes;'s method is far more accurate for streaming. Did you make sure to pick a server near the one you've been streaming to, when testing with


New Member
Hi Pinhead,
The area to choose a filter is just gray to me, do I need to downscale the resolution or something?
Do you think 854x480 is a good resolution to use for me aswell?
I don't wanna use that much fps, is it better with 45? because in CS:GO you need a lot of fps to make it feel "smooth" and I don't really wanna play when I'm not comfortable and lag.

Also I think I need to use a lower bitrate since I'm lagspiking at 800 bitrate.


New Member
Kharay said:
The thing about SpeedTest -- its method of testing is not suitable for streaming purposes;'s method is far more accurate for streaming. Did you make sure to pick a server near the one you've been streaming to, when testing with

Nope, I used the default one (dallas I think), going to do a Amsterdam one now (didn't have Frankfurt but and it's closest),


You'll want to use Amsterdam anyhow (for Twitch), Frankfurt has been known to have issues. Its capacity is fairly limited, for one thing.

Anyhow, what is the native resolution you're playing at? 1080p? If so, I'd go with Resolution Downscale 2.00 at the most (540p), to still make use of the Lanczos filter.


New Member
Kharay said:
You'll want to use Amsterdam anyhow (for Twitch), Frankfurt has been known to have issues. Its capacity is fairly limited, for one thing.

Anyhow, what is the native resolution you're playing at? 1080p? If so, I'd go with Resolution Downscale 2.00 at the most (540p), to still make use of the Lanczos filter.

I'm playing CS:GO in 1024x768, and I'm streaming in 854x480 right now to make it 480p since my Internet sucks.

Going to test some new settings right now, please give feedback :)