Question / Help Low Quality and Choppy Streaming


New Member
So, a couple things are going on that I've been trying to trouble shoot by myself for a couple days now. First the stream looked.... okay, but was really choppy when I'd get into team fights during a game. I got that to be a little better, though it still jumps around if things get crazy, but now my quality has dropped off and there's this odd kind of pulsing going on about every 5-6 seconds or so.

I feel like I should be able to stream a lot cleaner than it's letting me.

around 12MB upload speed, 120MB download (If that information matters.) through my service provider. The game I've been trying to stream is Overwatch. It's a brand new computer. 16GB of ram. RX 480 8GB GPU. i5-6600 @ 3.3ghz. I'm really confused as to why I can't get this to all smooth out and have decent quality.

This is the log from my most recent attempt.


New Member
I'll try that and get back then. Thanks for a really quick response. I imagine you have gotten a lot of questions from new OW streamers, so sorry if this is something repetitious.


New Member
Okay, so stream is smoothed out quite a bit, just from that, but quality is still low unless I'm sitting around in menu or something. Any other suggestions I could try?


New Member
Okay. After a bit more messing around, I got it to probably about the best I can. 3500 bitrate. 720p@30FPS. And it's all running smooth now. I know you only suggested one thing, but it was enough to smooth out the stream, if nothing else, and I was able to mess with the quality issues after that until I got it tweaked into place.

Thanks again for your help. And thanks for having such great and easy to use stream software.