Bug Report Logitech c920 DeSync


New Member
Cam video is de-syncing and from what i've seen around its something to do with obs and logitech communicating rather than the cam itself. Talking 3-5 seconds of delay :(

Irrelevant: In the logs you will see I had the Mic accidentally set to the cam over my headset. Fixed that mid stream.
I disabled the mic on the webcam in windows settings.


  • 2013-06-20-0011-45.log
    23.3 KB · Views: 39
  • 2013-06-20-0026-21.log
    18.4 KB · Views: 41


Community Helper
Is your webcam set as a global source? If not please make it one. Also try lowering the resolution of the cam to 720p. If those two settings do not help, try changing usb ports to any other port, or if you have it in a usb2 currently try plugging it to a usb3 port or vice versa if you have one.