Local Recording without mic while streaming


New Member
i feel for speedrunners it would be nice if the local recording function while streaming had an option for the local recording to not record the microphone while your streaming


New Member
I would like to suggest another extra option if available to add/implnet, a second local rec with an option to to record only the game without any extra overlay,besides the normal local rec (which got all the extra ovelray),on every source would be a tickable option, for this, and the name could be only game rec, if you tick it the secondary local rec would record that only.
Hope its understandable.

Why on every source,maybe the game i want to record is not recordable in add game source, just in window,or etc, or i want to add to it my own commentare,with different mic input then on the stream,or maybe there is a guy who is sittign next to me and he is making the commenter for editing notes on the fly..etc
I use obs for streamign and local rec to ,cuz its uses so low resoruce from my comp,i love it.But when i record/stream a clan battle, i would like to have a "raw" footag with out the extra overlay which i use in the stream, so i dont need an extra recording software to run,next to obs.
So in short a secondary local rec option would be great,still resource efficient imho then an extra recording program to run.


I'm no expert so this is pure speculation, but I don't think either of those ideas can be done without a 2nd encoding process (i.e. you would basically have to run OBS twice) which would be incredibly CPU intensive. It's hard enough to run ONE stream for most of us, let alone TWO at the same time.

When you stream, you are building up to a single video file and uploading it to Twitch as you go. From what I understand, the 'save to file' local recording is created by copying EXACTLY what you are sending to Twitch and writing it to your hard drive, so a 2nd encoding process isn't needed -- you're basically streaming to Twitch AND your hard drive at the same time. I don't think you can do anything separate with the local recording in this case because it's an exact copy of the data sent to Twitch.

(To anyone more knowledgeable than me: let me know if I'm wrong about any of the above)

I feel like you would miss out on a lot with the "no mic" recording though. Speedrunners can give a lot of insight during their runs which makes the whole thing a lot easier to appreciate and understand. What is the benefit of removing that? Just curious.