Question / Help Local Recording | Premiere Pro delay


New Member
Hi there,

I'm recording my gameplay with OBS with Local Recording mode. When I play the recorded material with VLC player everything is good, but when I import the footage into Premiere Pro the sound is played sooner like with 3-4 seconds.

Could you please help me with that?


Quality Balance - 8
Max Bitrate: 10000
Buffer Size: 10000
AAC and 128


Forum Moderator
It enables Constant Frame Rate, which makes sure a fixed number of frames per second gets written to the file. Non-linear editors like Premiere and Vegas don't seem to like files with a variable frame rate, and you get the sync issues you describe.


New Member
I will try this! So glad this was addressed already! I was going crazy trying to edit my videos in premiere pro, but having it de-sync due to that variable rate. I totally missed that option in the settings. I just kept clicking "force audio to sync" option which did not seem to work.

Well, not for Adobe Premiere. Playing the MP4 was always solid. If this works it will be another reason why I am bummed I paid for the licensing for xSplit. :-D


Community Helper
I have been using CFR with my OBS streams for weeks and they work great in Premiere.


New Member
I just wanted to say thanks for the fix. I was having the same issue. Every time I imported my recordings from OBS into Adobe Premier the audio would fall out of sync due to the variable frame rate.

I actually went to Adobe's forums and found only pages of snide remarks about using professional equipment with professional software instead of providing a solution with tools on hand.

Again, thanks! You guys rock. :)