Question / Help Livestream Failed


New Member
I'm using OBS with Mobcrush to livestream to Facebook and Youtube at the same time.
Yesterday, I streamed with no problem.

Today, with the same setup, I clicked stream and it looked like it worked. I went about my business and when I came back, the "Stop Streaming" button was completely grayed out; I couldn't click it. None of the destinations showed any stream ever coming through.

I closed the program and restarted it, but got an error saying it was already running. So, I stopped the process and restarted. Tested it and it worked fine - actually uploaded video of me fiddling with the computer, but used all the old settings for the failed stream from earlier.

For some reason, OBS did record about 1 second of video which it saved to the computer, which is not something I ever set it to do.

Here is the log: