Question / Help forcing resolution?


New Member
Recently discovered this amazing program but I seem to have one problem with it or the streaming site I'm attempting to use it with,

It seems as if Livestream is forcing the resolution of my stream into 4:3 even though I am streaming my desktop which is at a 1600x900 scale. I've tried messing with the options within OBS and what I could find on my channel options on Livestream itself but so far I'm just coming up with nothing. There seems to be next to no support for using OBS with Livestream and you guys are really my last resort it seems. How can I solve this?


New Member
I discovered the problem was I didn't put "/aspectWidth=16/aspectHeight=9" at the end of my FMS url. Really wish it was more clear in the quickstart guide since I doubt people who stream on Livestream really want to stream in 4:3.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You have to append those values to your FMS URL? Well, that really isn't the wisest design on their part. What reason specifically is it that you are using livestream over all the other many alternatives?