Question / Help Live-streaming & other streaming at same time ?


New Member
Hello there! :)

I'm new here, and same for Twitch there I use to live-stream my games.

I have no issue to live-stream one window mode, but I have seen a lot of Twitch user use like Youtube/Dailymotion etc...
(streaming site) to their channel meanwhile play games, that mean viewers can see some clips on the small corner where the user did place it on (ofc not full-screen :P).

I'm still new at it, but I hope someone here does understand what I mean, and can assist me how to do it ?


1. CRL-Browser ( Can't use only video clip, like 60% of the screen are ads...)
2. Monitor-captured (Can only be captured what are on the screen at the moment, so I can't jump into the game...)
3. Window-captured (Most the same as above, but I can still have the window up, BUT! the video doesn't work
(All 3 options does not support video playback meanwhile playing games, video stops but audio works fine)

It's not important, but would be nice to get it work and have some fun clip when I play.

Just now I have only linked obsproject with Twitch, don't know, but if I connect it with Youtube, does it solve my problem ?
I think it is only for Youtube live-streaming and not "streaming" into Twith via obsproject.



Active Member
So... you want to take other people's videos/content, and show it in a corner of your livestream? You know that's infringement, right? That it's illegal unless you have a license/permission from the rightsholder of the content you're including? Just being on youtube doesn't grant that, any more than buying a song on itunes or playing it through spotify/pandora/youtube/etc makes it legal to stream.

That said, you could use CLR browser and just crop the source down with the ALT key to only show the player window.