Question / Help Live stream without encode option


New Member

1.Its possible to add livestream or recording without encode process.?

Example if you add No encoding radio box in encoding section when we select then it will live stream in actual quality as it coming.

2.Its possible obs classic multi instances runs?

Any solution?


Active Member
1) No, this is video encoding by definition. OBS can't output video without encoding it first.

2) Yes, you can put "-multi" on the target line of the OBS shortcut and then you can launch multiple instances of OBS at once. You could run the 32 bit and the 64 bit installations at the same time this way since that's easiest, or you can copy the files from one of the versions to a new folder and make a new shortcut. Also add "-portable" so they save their settings separately.

2a) OBS Studio might natively do what you want to do, depending on why you want to run two instances of OBS at once.

2b) I think you can only game capture in one of the OBS instances. So you would have to game capture in one, window capture in the other. Another reason to check out OBS Studio.


New Member
1.when i put "-multi" in target of shortcut then its say path is not valid.

2.i make copy and run when main is open then its not launch second.

Thanks for your reply


Forum Moderator
You need to add the -multi param outside of the quotation marks. If you're trying to stream and record at different settings, you should use OBS Studio instead.


New Member
yes it works

Its possible live stream without choose option encoding options?

Example i want video not encode just input stream and output without encode process.?

its possible to add option like this?

Many thanks for your help