Live Sports Score Ticker (updates automatically)

Devan Herb

New Member
Hello everyone! So I'm a pretty big sports fan and I think it would be cool to somehow be able to have scores of live football games on a ticker at the bottom of my stream. I know there are scoreboard plugins that allow you to manually put in scores, but what I want is something that is able to refresh and stay with all the scores. It'd be super cool to have this for NFL, NCAAF, NCAAB, NBA, MLB, and NHL. There isn't anything like this out there that I can find.


The Helping Squad
Probably best to create a webpage that pulls the results and shows them. This could then be used in OBS through the browser source and you could style it however you want.


New Member
I was able to create filtered down RSS streams that only shows scores using SiftRSS

Here's an example of the ticker on my scene setup

On Mac OSX I downloaded Universal Ticker from furrysoft to scroll the scores across my desktop.

It allows you to add multiple RSS Streams. I built one for each of the 4 major US Sports.





From here, add a window capture on the ticker window to your scene setup and put the ticker somewhere out of your way.



New Member
Hey Guys! This is awesome, is there anyway someone can tell me how to implement this into OBS Streamlabs? How do I get an RSS feed from a different website?
Is there anyway of doing this for a sportsbook with their live odds?