Question / Help Little or (big) question....


New Member
First of all, hello :)

So i have an question...

Is it possible to display an hdmi signal (this signal comes from an galaxy s4 > hdmi adapter to monitor) to an dvi monitor?

Dont know how to explain ...

I try it:
-The galaxy s4 is connected with an samsung hdtv adapter
-The adapter is connected with hdmi to the monitor
-The monitor itselfs becomes the signal from the graphic card dvi port

Sooo can i "grab" the signal to display it on the dvi signal (any program or something)? So that i can stream from it? Otherwise OBS dont know about it...

Pls help :D
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Active Member
You need a capture card. Just having it on the monitor doesn't mean the computer can 'see' it, as video connections are NOT two-way.