Question / Help Listening to Music but not over stream. Dilema


New Member
Well I cannot seem to come up with a fix for this issue, so decided I am gonna post it here and see if someone else can. Going to try and explain it the best I can but it a slightly complicated.

What I want:
To listen to music while streaming but not have the music play over the stream.
To have mumble still play over the stream but still attenuate my music when people talk.

In order for me to be able to hear people on mumble when I am music playing I need "Audio Ducking" or as mumble called it Attenuate. When I have attenuate in mumble on it only reduces the volume of the applications that are on the same sound device. So if my stream is set to Line1, my mumble is set to line1 but my winamp is set to Line2 (So that it doesnt play over the stream) then my winamp does not get attenuated.


New Member
I guess what you could do is connect your headset to an ipod and use earphones to listen to people on mumble?