Free LioranBoard 2 Stream Deck/Animator [Deleted]

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New Member
Ah. So it's not easy to write it natively. Yeah I have a developer account. I thought there is just an API or Socket that the Desktop Client is speaking to. And I just need to write the connection for it...

Okay. Than maybe its not an option. But I like your "Channel points" feature, that's very cool and I didn't see that in the other chatbots or stream decks.


Ah. So it's not easy to write it natively. Yeah I have a developer account. I thought there is just an API or Socket that the Desktop Client is speaking to. And I just need to write the connection for it...
I can export both the deck and the receiver to iOS. But yeah it requires a developer account which i have no idea what that's about. I'm very uneducated on apple product. And if i end up doing it i can't test either.


New Member
Yes, I have an account, and I'm a developer, but I don't like the current design of the app, that's why I wanted to write it new.


Yes, I have an account, and I'm a developer, but I don't like the current design of the app, that's why I wanted to write it new.
You wanted to just redesign the visual aspect of the receiver or you wanted to remake it from scratch using the same file and net protocol?
I can work with you if you wish to remake it.


posted 1.21, Added a Commands.html help file for commands.
Fixed a crashed that happened when deleting source in OBS, the receiver would crash if it was connected.
and added cos/sin/tan math for circle effect




lioran updated Android/PC Stream Deck/Manager with a new update entry:

Command system vamped up

You will love this update if you used the Math: commands.
It has now been changed to be name based rather than array based.
The name is a string and can be anything, can even include spaces, symbols or only numbers.
This way it will be much easier to comprehend your commands flow.
/$#$/ parameter fill will still work the same way just put the name instead of the array number
So you don't need to worry about your old commands, they will still work as usual.
see changes to...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hi..I was able to get Lioran Board working when I first installed it but now the reciever will not connect to OBS. It just keeps telling me "Could not connect to OBSWebSocket"...I don't know how to fix it pls help


Hi..I was able to get Lioran Board working when I first installed it but now the reciever will not connect to OBS. It just keeps telling me "Could not connect to OBSWebSocket"...I don't know how to fix it pls help
That's a bit concerning if it just suddenly stopped working. I don't think there is much you can on the LioranBoard side other than making sure the port is set properly.
Other than that check and make sure nothing is blocking the connection, You can check Control panal>windows firewall>advanced>inbound rules and i think its listed has obs studio.
also, make sure obs WebSocket is not somehow turned off in obs Tools>Obswebsocket.settings

if everything seems to be fine, I don't know what could be causing that to happen.


Nutty made a video tutorial about how to setup the receiver.
So check it out if you're having problems.


New Member
Hey there. I like your plugin really awesome work but I have some suggestions.

I want to make my own Sub-Alerts with the name from the Subscriber in it, so I would need the name from Twitch and the possibility to change text in OBS. Hope you like the idea an will implement it.

Overall suggestions
  • Twitch
    • -Get latest Sub Name
  • OBS
    • -Add "Change Text" to edit text in obs
  • "Receiver"
    • -Close to Tray
    • -List with the queued items
    • -Webhook Post/Get func
br Wobi


Hey there. I like your plugin really awesome work but I have some suggestions.

I want to make my own Sub-Alerts with the name from the Subscriber in it, so I would need the name from Twitch and the possibility to change text in OBS. Hope you like the idea an will implement it.

Overall suggestions
  • Twitch
    • -Get latest Sub Name
  • OBS
    • -Add "Change Text" to edit text in obs
  • "Receiver"
    • -Close to Tray
    • -List with the queued items
    • -Webhook Post/Get func
br Wobi
Thanks for the feed back, regarding those suggestion

-Get latest Sub Name
A bit out of the scope of the app, it's only meant for receiving notification from twitch as they happen not really meant to pull analytic from twitch.
The app is not really setup to do that kind of stuff

-Add "Change Text" to edit text in obs
I should add that to the command list as its own command, although for the moment if you want that now you can do it by using the custom packet command and send this
{"text":"YOUR TEXT","source":"SOURCE NAME","request-type":"SetTextGDIPlusProperties","message-id":"1"}
just replace YOUR TEXT and SOURCE NAME by whatever you see fit

-Close to Tray
Unless I can find a DLL that does that, that's not an option for what I'm using. And I don't think DLL can do that i'd have to look into it.

-List with the queued items
That's a good idea, only thing I'm struggling with in my head is how do I label buttons, you're not forced to put a text name on a button, you can just leave it blank or have a pictures, so how do I display that in the queue?

-Webhook Post/Get func
same issue as the twitch latest subname


New Member
Thanks for responding. I can program around it, just would have been nice to get all in one program ;-).

-List with the queued items
That's a good idea, only thing I'm struggling with in my head is how do I label buttons, you're not forced to put a text name on a button, you can just leave it blank or have a pictures, so how do I display that in the queue?

Maybe something like that

For sure include the Button ID, but its up to you.


I love this tool Lioran, thanks so much, just about to update now.
I used to use 'dirty hand' but this is way better.
I'm hoping to see sometime gif images, some way to press and hold and easy scene switching ( I was having trouble with the web socket in the last release, but that could be just my incompetence) :),


Oh... I'd love a slightly sexier icon, the current one disappears into the crowd a little.
I'm a designer an I'll probably be making a replacement for myself... If you like I can work one up free (of course) in line with your thoughts, just let me know what you would like.


Here's a little observation about updating that might be worth looking at:
When you copy a config from an older version there is an error message when you try to load the imported board... this is easily cured (if you know or work out the trick) by changing the order of the imported board.
Maybe some kind of refresh would stop the error and keep noobies like me from panicking.


Thanks for responding. I can program around it, just would have been nice to get all in one program ;-).
Not sure if that's what you meant but there is 2 ways to get last sub name , one is always available and one can be gotten when you get a pubsub notification. Change were already implemented in the next version. Math: Chat pull has been remade into Math: Trigger pull and you can get all the data from every type of trigger, Suber's name , even gift and gifted name, bits value and stuff like that. you can get it all from Math: Trigger pull, will be in the next version
Here's a little observation about updating that might be worth looking at:
When you copy a config from an older version there is an error message when you try to load the imported board... this is easily cured (if you know or work out the trick) by changing the order of the imported board.
Maybe some kind of refresh would stop the error and keep noobies like me from panicking.
I'm not sure what error you talking about Something i forgot to mention in the readme when updating file, you must not replace the options.ini file. its not really a problem if you do, shouldn't give an error.
Not sure what error you talking about
and if you can make a better icon, sure go ahead show it to me and ill let you know if its appropriate, i just used some default window icon.
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