Let us mute specific programs for the stream.


New Member
Okay, so I want to stream some LoL with just some music and I just wanna keep it chill, but sometimes i skype with my friends when i play the game so we can work out strategies and stuff, and i know there are ways to mute skype for the stream but they are really advanced and some cost money, i just wanna be able to keep it simple and mute whatever i want for the stream and thats it, i would love if the developers/developer could add that feature, makes it ALOT more easy for alot of people.


Active Member
This feature is in OBS studios I believe which is in beta. you can also use VAC for a workaround.


The Helping Squad
I dont think that "option" will be available in OBS-MP anytime soon. It might be possible to do with some games, that use an audio system which is hookable. But for most software we will still have to rely on the usual setup.


Active Member
I dont think that "option" will be available in OBS-MP anytime soon. It might be possible to do with some games, that use an audio system which is hookable. But for most software we will still have to rely on the usual setup.
My mistake :/


Community Helper
You can add multiple channels to OBS MP, but you can't hook specific programs and add them as audio sources.