Hey there, I just found this topic, I have windows 10 pro x64, latest and greatest updates, latest and greates nvidia drivers (355.82). I tried making a video today (BF3) since last time (last video was on 8.1) and my last video was superb and smooth (using nvenc, same settings as today).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMb2NMKzxbw this is the recording on Windows 8.1, you can play it 1080p@60 and u notice the smoothness.
Than today I tried on Windows 10 and this is what i got
notice how jerky it is? Notice how the handcam is smooth compared to the game.
This is the log. Don't know if it can give you a clue of what im doing wrong. I tried different nvenc preset, with all the same results.
00:55:51: Open Broadcaster Software v0.655b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
00:55:51: -------------------------------
00:55:51: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
00:55:51: CPU Speed: 3501MHz
00:55:51: Physical Memory: 16344MB Total, 10912MB Free
00:55:51: stepping id: 9, model 58, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
00:55:51: monitor 1: pos={-1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
00:55:51: monitor 2: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
00:55:51: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 10240 (revision 16384)
00:55:51: Aero is Enabled
00:55:51: -------------------------------
00:55:51: OBS Modules:
00:55:51: Base Address Module
00:55:51: 000000005B820000 OBS.exe
00:55:51: 00000000A9D00000 OBSApi.dll
00:55:51: 00000000ABB60000 DShowPlugin.dll
00:55:51: 00000000ACE40000 GraphicsCapture.dll
00:55:51: 00000000B95F0000 NoiseGate.dll
00:55:51: 00000000B2F40000 PSVPlugin.dll
00:55:51: 00000000AF4E0000 scenesw.dll
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: Adapter 1
00:55:51: Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN
00:55:51: Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 2074804224
00:55:51: Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 4274300928
00:55:51: Video Adapter Output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
00:55:51: Video Adapter Output 2: pos={-1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
00:55:51: =====Stream Start: 2015-09-06, 00:55:51===============================================
00:55:51: Multithreaded optimizations: On
00:55:51: Base resolution: 1920x1080
00:55:51: Output resolution: 1920x1080
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN (Adapter 1)...
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: Audio Format: 48000 Hz
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: Audio Channels: 2 Ch
00:55:51: Playback device Default
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: Using desktop audio input: Speakers (Sound Blaster Recon3Di)
00:55:51: Global Audio time adjust: 0
00:55:51: Using 5.1 speaker setup
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: Audio Encoding: AAC
00:55:51: bitrate: 128
00:55:51: ------------------------------------------
00:55:51: device: USB2.0 1.3MP UVC Camera,
00:55:51: device id \\?\usb#vid_04f2&pid_a133&mi_00#7&141d862&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global,
00:55:51: chosen type: MJPG, usingFourCC: false, res: 640x480 - 640x480, frameIntervals: 333333-2000000
00:55:51: use buffering: false - 0, fourCC: 'MJPG'
00:55:51: audio device: Disable,
00:55:51: audio device id Disabled,
00:55:51: audio time offset 0,
00:55:51: Using directshow input
00:55:51: Using graphics capture
00:55:51: Trying to hook process: bf3.exe
00:55:51: Scene buffering time set to 5600
00:55:51: Successfully loaded ObsNvenc.dll
00:55:51: ObsNvenc initialized successfully
00:55:51: CUDA loaded successfully
00:55:52: 1 CUDA capable devices found
00:55:52: [ GPU #0 - < GeForce GTX TITAN > has Compute SM 3.5, NVENC Available ]
00:55:52: NVENC internal init finished successfully
00:55:52: NVENC supports 8 h264 presets
00:55:52: ------------------------------------------
00:55:52: Video Encoding: NVENC
00:55:52: fps: 60
00:55:52: width: 1920, height: 1080
00:55:52: preset: default
00:55:52: profile: high
00:55:52: level: autoselect
00:55:52: keyint: 30
00:55:52: CBR: no
00:55:52: CFR: yes
00:55:52: max bitrate: 50000
00:55:52: avg bitrate: 50000
00:55:52: buffer size: 100000
00:55:52: quality: 10
00:55:52: ------------------------------------------
00:55:53: SharedTexCapture hooked
00:56:28: FlushBufferedVideo: Flushing 338 packets over 5616 ms
00:56:34: Total frames encoded: 2133, total frames duplicated: 28 (1.31%)
00:56:34: Total frames rendered: 2138, number of late frames: 0 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
00:56:34: Encoder closed
00:56:34: NVENC deinitialized
00:56:34: Profiler time results:
00:56:34: ==============================================================
00:56:34: video thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 0.736 ms] [children: 92.1%] [unaccounted: 7.88%]
00:56:34: | scene->Preprocess - [20.7%] [avg time: 0.152 ms]
00:56:34: | GPU download and conversion - [71.5%] [avg time: 0.526 ms] [children: 71.5%] [unaccounted: 0%]
00:56:34: | | flush - [41.8%] [avg time: 0.308 ms]
00:56:34: | | CopyResource - [2.04%] [avg time: 0.015 ms]
00:56:34: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [27.6%] [avg time: 0.203 ms]
00:56:34: Convert444Threads - [100%] [avg time: 1.125 ms] [children: 99.6%] [unaccounted: 0.356%]
00:56:34: | Convert444toNV12 - [99.6%] [avg time: 1.121 ms]
00:56:34: encoder thread frame - [100%] [avg time: 6.952 ms] [children: 0.748%] [unaccounted: 99.3%]
00:56:34: | sending stuff out - [0.748%] [avg time: 0.052 ms]
00:56:34: ==============================================================
00:56:34: Profiler CPU results:
00:56:34: ==============================================================
00:56:34: video thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.08 ms, total 171.875 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: | scene->Preprocess - [cpu time: avg 0.021 ms, total 46.875 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: | GPU download and conversion - [cpu time: avg 0.043 ms, total 93.75 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: | | flush - [cpu time: avg 0.043 ms, total 93.75 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: | | CopyResource - [cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: Convert444Threads - [cpu time: avg 1.222 ms, total 4390.63 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
00:56:34: | Convert444toNV12 - [cpu time: avg 1.222 ms, total 4390.63 ms] [avg calls per frame: 2]
00:56:34: encoder thread frame - [cpu time: avg 0.13 ms, total 234.375 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: | sending stuff out - [cpu time: avg 0.008 ms, total 15.625 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
00:56:34: ==============================================================
00:56:34: =====Stream End: 2015-09-06, 00:56:34=================================================