Question / Help 'Late frames detected'


New Member
Hi all,

after a succesful first year on Twitch, I recently decided to put my donations towards a better system. The PC I was using was good for gaming, but very limited for streaming. I went from a random, weak PCU to a Intel i7-5820k, got a new motherboard (X-99) and also went from 8 to 16GB RAM. In trying out my new limits today, I found that suddenly 60 FPS turned into 30 FPS about an hour into the stream test. Now, even if I set it to 60 FPS it won't go up.

I'm not partnered yet and 30 FPS is enough for now, but some games demand that little extra, in the future. I realise that I need to downscale my webcam, as that's running at 1080p, but that shouldn't be an issue?

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

stream log:


Forum Moderator
Lower your C920 resolution, if that doesn't help try switching the Elgato to a different port (USB3 if it's available).


New Member
Lowered the webcam resolution to 864x480 at 30 fps, switched the Elgato to a USB3 port. After analyzing my log, I get the 'Late frames detected' although I don't notice any major framedrops. It's relatively stable at 30, but drops to 29 every now and again. It also says 'Elgato with no buffering' when the box is ticked and set to 0, as suggested.

New log file here:


New Member
I'm not certain. I don't think there was enough space, and so I had to add an older GPU on for my second screen. Could this be causing friction or a malfunction of some sort? I didn't think it was that big of a deal.