Question / Help Laptop for OBS, PC to Game?


New Member
I'd like to take some of the processing load off of my desktop. I'd heard about people using two pc setups and using one as a streaming pc and one as a gaming pc. The only other pc I have is a laptop. Is there any possible way I could stream on my laptop while gaming on my desktop?

I've been looking at the AverMedia Live Gamer Portable but the way the connections would work just don't make sense to me and I would think that my laptop wouldn't accept HDMI input. I've seen some places mention maybe using VNC to do it, but I would imagine it would be laggy and probably more taxing on the internet connection.

Is this setup possible at all?


The typical approach would be to use a USB Capture Card. However, not every capture card is supported by OBS so you would have to have look around the forum to see if you can find some user experiences with any particular model USB Capture Card.


New Member
Kharay said:
The typical approach would be to use a USB Capture Card. However, not every capture card is supported by OBS so you would have to have look around the forum to see if you can find some user experiences with any particular model USB Capture Card.

I have an old Dazzle and an old Plextor usb capture card that I used to capture games to a desktop with. The other end is S-Video and RCA though. If I somehow get a connector that could take from DVI to RCA or S-Video, then use a program to view the capture and stream that window, could that possibly work?


New Member

It's looking like most DVI-to-RCA/S-Video connectors don't work that well and when they do, you have to find another way to stream the audio over. Thinking I may just save up for an AverMedia Live Gamer Portable and buy a DVI-to-HDMI converter.

Before I make that decision officially though, are there any cheaper alternatives to it that would also work?