Question / Help Laggy stream, help me find the right settings!


New Member
So I've been able to stream 720p pretty well, but it usually starts to lag after like 1 hour or so and it gets worse with time, from small fps drops to a pretty strong lag.

My setup
Intel Core i3-3220 3.3 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 620 1 GB DDR3
Windows 8

And my obs setting are currently the following:
Quality = 9
Max Bitrate and Buffer = 3000
FPS = 26
Downscale 1.50
CPU preset = veryfast
no CBR or CFR

Anything I have completely wrong/need to change? :/


New Member
Eh there's really no option for i3 but it suggests me to do this:
Recommended max bitrate: 6
Recommended buffer size: 3

That can't be right, right? It also suggests me to switch to 480p, even tho it has worked just fine with 720p and I would love to keep it that way :/

Also, here's my speedtest results


Community Helper
Make sure you're entering your upload speed in kbps, not Mbps. For example, that speedtest says you have 7.48Mbps, which
you can convert to kbps by multiplying by 1024 (or just multiply by 1000 for quick calculations). So you have ~7500 kbps upload according to that speed test.