Question / Help Laggy at 60fps + ? how to fix?


New Member
Hey guy´s and girls !

i got a question .
first of all my PC spec:
Intel Core i5-3450 CPU 4x 3,50Ghz
8,00 GB ram
Windows 7
AMD Radeon HD 7800

cand my upload / download

49.32 downloade
4.86 uploade

I try a view guids of the guid section , but i still got this " problem "

so i will stream league of legends , but it looks kinda " laggy " ingame and also on Twitch. Most of the time i got like 55+ fps ingame and 50-80 ms ( 15-20 if im not streaming ) but it feels a little bit " laggy " not really smooth when im playing . i guess i get the right settings for it .

So my question is: is my Pc not strong enough? or the internet? someone got a better guid ( i changed the settings like 4 times ) . Runnin league of legends not in fullscreen when i try to stream, is there any " trick " to do it in fullscreen? maybe it will work better :D

if someone have any tipps or better guids i would really appreciat it :)

greetings from Germany !


New Member
hey :)


and the uploade via : ( not sure how i can copy this but it shows me this :D ) Upload :: 4.8 Mbps 594 kB/s

have a nice day ! :)

edit: i changed a setting ingame, now i can run at 120-150 fps but it feels the same ( little laggy )


Town drunk
Get rid of the Monitor Capture source, that's causing the lag. If you absolutely must use Monitor Capture for something you display between matches, put it in a separate scene and use the automatic scene switcher plugin (found in the Plugins section of the forum)


New Member
so i should use " game capture "? but then i got only a black screen for League of legends

and thanks for your help :)


If you Enable Aero you can just use Window Capture instead, should provide you with the same performance as Game Capture.


New Member
Okay i got it via " game capture " and it went way better ! ingame it is no difference :D thanks for that ! in the stream it looks more " smooth " .

how much Bitrate ( kbit/s max ) should i run with? i tryt like 1800 to 3000 , what should i run to get the best resault with my uploade?

thanks again :) !


3500 is the unofficial maximum bitrate accepted by Twitch and LoL is a bit of a bandwidth hog itself, so you need to also leave some room for that one. I'd try it with CBR 3000 Kbps for a while and see how it goes.


New Member
running my stream now for a while , maybe if you or someone can watch and tell me if everything is okay or what can i do better that would be great :D

no edit yet , just the settings to run smooth etc. ( league of legends , aram )

edit : running fullscreen / 3000 kbit/s / 60fps / 1280x 720

cant read the twitch chat by the way :) its buggy


New Member
Hey me again. So i try i few other things.

i will stream now for a while , maybe someone can just have a short look. Someone says it is a little laggy again like: 20 sec fine and then a short lag every time.

i checkd the broadcast after i stream and all went smooth.

maybe some feedback for the qualli :D?

grettings !


If it lags for people, it means that their internet cannot keep up with the buffering of the video.

At least that's how I've seen it at least.