Question / Help Lag when streaming


New Member
DiffProbe release. January 2012. Build 1008.
Shaper Detection Module.

Connected to server

Estimating capacity:
Upstream: 2482 Kbps.
Downstream: 64792 Kbps.

The measurement will take upto 3.0 minutes. Please wait.

Checking for traffic shapers:

Upstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 2501 Kbps.

Downstream: Measurement aborted due to high packet loss rate.

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Active Member
Yeah, it's saying that you actually have 2.5mbps upstream (constant), not 10.

Many ISPs will allow upstream during file transfers to be 'bursty'; jumping well above the rated speed, and dropping far below it too. On 'dead' file transfers, this isn't an issue... the overall speed works out to about 10mbps. But for livestreaming? You need a constant rate. It appears that your constant rate is about 2500kbps.

You'll need to drop under that 3500kbps rate you're using now. But it gets worse. You also need to leave some room for the audio codec too. And as you're playing an online-multiplayer game, you also need to leave some bandwidth for your game to use, too (or it will get laggy, as gaming also requires constant bitrate throughput). I'd start out testing with OBS set at 2000kbps (with a 2000kbps buffer).
On the up side, you probably can keep it at 60fps... but might want to drop to 30, to allow greater image fidelity (higher framerate = more bandwidth).

So yeah, your connection looks to be the problem. You may want to retry that, and also try (use the 6MB test option) to confirm... as your log doesn't look to be dropping TOO many frames.
Still, even with a connection that can handle it, going over 3000kbps really isn't recommended (especially not for 720p).

Is the lag in OBS, or in your game? In your game, see the network stuff above. Doesn't look like OBS is lagging TOO badly... a little chop now and then, from the logs. But if it's dropping frames, I could definitely see an FPS getting laggy.


Community Helper
Use CBR, which doesn't need a quality balance setting. Make your buffer size the same as your max rate (which FerretBomb suggested be 2000kbps).