My pc:
cpu: i7 6700 Skylake
gpu: Gigabyte gtx 970 g1 gaming oc windforce
ram: 16gb
motherboard: Gigabyte z170x - Gaming 3
hdd 2 tb
ssd 250 gb
OBS Settings:
Encoder: x264
Use cbr true
max bitrate 3500
cbr padding enabled
use custom buffer size false
codec: AAC
format: 48khz
bitrate 96
channel stereo
Mode: LiveStream
Streaming Service Twitch
FMS URL: EU Paris (The best for me)
autoreconnect ture
delay 30
minimize network impact false
Video settings:
Base Resolution: 1920x1080
Resolution Downscale: 1280x720
Filter: Lanczos
FPS: 60
use multithreaded optimizations: true
process priority class normal
screne buffering time 700ms
disable encoding while previewing false
allow other modifiers on hotkeys true
x264 CPU preset veryfast
encoding profile main
keyframe interval 2
use cfr true
the rest of advanced in false.
And it's all, does someone knows what's going on with my obs? What should i change? Thank you!
cpu: i7 6700 Skylake
gpu: Gigabyte gtx 970 g1 gaming oc windforce
ram: 16gb
motherboard: Gigabyte z170x - Gaming 3
hdd 2 tb
ssd 250 gb
OBS Settings:
Encoder: x264
Use cbr true
max bitrate 3500
cbr padding enabled
use custom buffer size false
codec: AAC
format: 48khz
bitrate 96
channel stereo
Mode: LiveStream
Streaming Service Twitch
FMS URL: EU Paris (The best for me)
autoreconnect ture
delay 30
minimize network impact false
Video settings:
Base Resolution: 1920x1080
Resolution Downscale: 1280x720
Filter: Lanczos
FPS: 60
use multithreaded optimizations: true
process priority class normal
screne buffering time 700ms
disable encoding while previewing false
allow other modifiers on hotkeys true
x264 CPU preset veryfast
encoding profile main
keyframe interval 2
use cfr true
the rest of advanced in false.
And it's all, does someone knows what's going on with my obs? What should i change? Thank you!