Question / Help Lag/Spikes/loading... while streaming! Super PC Help me please!


New Member
My pc:
cpu: i7 6700 Skylake
gpu: Gigabyte gtx 970 g1 gaming oc windforce
ram: 16gb
motherboard: Gigabyte z170x - Gaming 3
hdd 2 tb
ssd 250 gb
OBS Settings:
Encoder: x264
Use cbr true
max bitrate 3500
cbr padding enabled
use custom buffer size false
codec: AAC
format: 48khz
bitrate 96
channel stereo
Mode: LiveStream
Streaming Service Twitch
FMS URL: EU Paris (The best for me)
autoreconnect ture
delay 30
minimize network impact false
Video settings:
Base Resolution: 1920x1080
Resolution Downscale: 1280x720
Filter: Lanczos
FPS: 60
use multithreaded optimizations: true
process priority class normal
screne buffering time 700ms
disable encoding while previewing false
allow other modifiers on hotkeys true
x264 CPU preset veryfast
encoding profile main
keyframe interval 2
use cfr true
the rest of advanced in false.

And it's all, does someone knows what's going on with my obs? What should i change? Thank you!


New Member
I forgot to tell that i have 120 mb download and 10 mb upload comproved with an internet test!


Active Member
What kind of problem are you having? You didn't say.

Post an OBS log file from a five minute or longer stream of high action content.


Active Member
Statistics look good in the logs. Seems like it might be a Twitch problem, not OBS. The lag spikes are felt in your game or just when watching it on Twitch?


Active Member
Yup so I think its a Twitch problem or a problem with the internet connection of whoever is watching it. You can decrease your bitrate and buffer to make it easier for them to watch, but that's about all you can do.