Question / Help Lag spikes issue while streaming


New Member
Hi ! (Im french, sorry for my english)

My pc spec : i7 3.40 GHZ / GTX 660 / 8 go ram / SSD 256 go
My internet : 20 ms / 10.2 Down / 0.90 Up
My obs setup : Biterate : 600 / Buffer : 459 / Video quality : 852x480 / Fps : 30

My main issue is when Im playing, i have some lag spikes, when I ping in windows cmd my ping is going up and down, like i can have 25 ms then 150 then 60 then 80 then 20 ....
I have absolutely no problem of cpu, just latency going up and down and I really don't know how to fix it coz my obs setup is good and I have no other stuff running, just my game which is WoW btw.
I have a friend with a lower upload than me (0.70) and have no latency, his ping is about 40 in game and not moving.

If anyone can help it will be super cool :D