Label and button sizes goofy


New Member

I'd like you guys to take a look at this. I will grant you this is an edge case (probably an extreme one), but I think it's worth the devs taking a look at it.

OK, so I have a PC attached to my TV, running OBS (Console streamer). Because the TV is far enough away from me that I can't read the tiny text from my couch, I have the font size jacked up to like 350%. This doesn't seem to affect OBS. The text is still tiny.

Because the text is still tiny, I came up with a solution of trying to use Remote Desktop from the laptop that's right in front of me, to the PC that's attached to the TV. That presents its own problems trying to capture, but that not really the point here.

When I remote desktop into the PC, the font sizes on many of the buttons and labels in OBS turn really wacky. Some stay tiny, others swell up to ridiculous sizes. If it were consistent, I wouldn't even bother mentioning it, but it seems random as to which fonts blow up, and at which times. I can remote in to that PC and get different buttons blown up at any given time.

Not complaining, really. Just something to look at.


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Active Member
look into your windows display settings look for scaling set it to 100 but it can be an RDP reddering problem


New Member
look into your windows display settings look for scaling set it to 100 but it can be an RDP reddering problem
Either they should ALL be scaled, or NONE of them should be scaled. That is my concern. The inconsistency,


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