Question / Help Kinect v2 Support?


New Member

I just recently picked up a Kinect for Windows Adapter. This allows me to use my Xbox One Kinect on my PC. I have installed the Kinect SDK 2.0, as well as KinectCamV2. KinectCamV2 allowed the Kinect to show up as a Webcam on my PC. The webcam works fine for Skype, but has issues in OBS. When I open up the Webcam in OBS there is a large amount of static, the video is black and white, and the webcam stream overlaps itself several times. (I see myself about six times next to each other). The issue also happens if Skype has never been opened. I am currently using ManyCam in order to capture the Kinect video and having OBS use ManyCam as the webcam, but the video quality is significantly worse.

I don't have logs because I'm not home, but can get them later tonight.

As to your knowledge is there something different about the Kinect V2 that would make it not work with OBS?


New Member
Hey guys, trying to bump this. Been busy so haven't gotten around to it, but I got some pictures and a log of the issue that I am having.

The issue with Kinect (no other applications open)

Showing that it works with Skype and ManyCam (even at same time)

Log File:


New Member
Hello, sorry I've been crazy busy and haven't checked back. Same thing here, changing resolution brings up a red box. Not a single settings I change does anything except changing resolution makes a red box.


New Member
Any update on this anyone?

I signed up on here JUST to bump this only help hope I can find on google is this.

I have the EXACT same problem and works with skype and other programs.


Forum Moderator
The type of effect seen in that screenshot almost always happens when the video capture device is using the wrong resolution/frame rate/color space. If you can find out the settings being used in a different program (e.g. maybe try using it in VLC and see if it reports those details) then you should be able to plug them in to OBS.


Might be a colorspace problem of RGB24 and OBS. Try different colorspace?

Seeing vertical color lines and 25% is blank, might be the capture device running at RGB24 and OBS classic somehow display RGB32 without doing RGB24 to RGB32 conversion?

Jay Turner

New Member
im using windows 10 and when i click "video capture device" it does not list the Kinect V2 as available ?? any ideas


New Member
Sorry for the necro, I just had an update here.

So here is how I got it working. First I downloaded the Kinect 2 sdk from Microsoft.

Then I downloaded KinectCamV2 (I did the latest full fast with filter option)

And lastly I downloaded manycam.

You can then open the Kinect as your camera in manycam, and then select 'ManyCam Virtual Webcam' in OBS as the video source.

I bought the base manycam package to unlock HD resolutions, and then set the video devices settings to custom in OBS (to set the proper resolution and so on). So far its working fine.

I'll report back after I do some more in depth testing. So far however, it looks like its working. :D

Tedd Hansen

New Member
This thread is a bit old, but I stumbled across it and it lead me to source some source code which I fixed. So just wanted to let you know that I have fixed Kinect V2 compatibility with OBS on above mentioned driver. I have also increased its speed to the point where its resource use is barely noticeable.

No binaries yet. I'll be looking into using depth buffer i combination with chromakey to remove background.

You have to compile it yourself though. Will get to that eventually.
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