; Borderless Windowed - AutoHotkey Script
; A simple AutoHotkey script that will force this mode for me. The script removes the window border and title bar of any window :
;Toggle Title bar
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A
IfWinExist %currentWindow%
WinSet, Style, ^0xC00000 ; toggle title bar
; The hotkey is Control+Alt+f. It applies changes to whatever window has focus.
;Toggle Window border
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A
IfWinExist %currentWindow%
WinSet, Style, ^0x800000 ; toggle thin-line border
WinSet, Style, ^0x400000 ; toggle dialog frame
WinSet, Style, ^0x40000 ; toggle thickframe/sizebox
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000 ; hide title bar
; To use script, the hotkey is Control+Alt+g.
;Go fullscreen
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A
IfWinExist %currentWindow%
WinMove, , , 0, 0, 1920, 1080 ;Set your screen resolution
; To use script, the hotkey is Control+Alt+h.
;Go windowed
WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A
IfWinExist %currentWindow%
WinMove, , , 54, 28, 1814, 1052 ;Set the window size you want
; To use script, the hotkey is Control+Alt+j.