Bug Report Keybindings bug


New Member
I've started using keybindings with OBS recently and I noticed a bug. I created two different scenes and I bound them to F11 and F12. Then I bound "Start Streaming" to CTRL+F12 and "Stop Streaming" to CTRL+F11.
When I press CTRL+F12, OBS both starts streaming and switches to my other scene.

Usually in any program or game, when you press CTRL+key, the program does only one thing bound to the CTRL+key hotkey and will not perform the action bound to the single "key".


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Forum Moderator
This isn't a bug. You see, I -used- to have it so that a hotkey without modifiers could not be triggered if any modifiers were down, but then people complained that their hotkeys weren't working because they had to hold down ctrl or shift or whatever to crouch in-game and couldn't activate their push-to-talk key because they were crouching in-game or something, multiple people complained about it, so I modified the functionality for them. So you're going to probably need to set the scenes to other hotkeys if possible.