Question / Help Keybinding Overlay


New Member
I apologize if a thread about this has been made already, but I couldnt find anything similar with my search.

I need help keybinding my overlay to a certain key. That way I could turn the overlay on/off with the press of one button. This would be really usefull for me, since I dont have 2 monitors.

Thank you for all the help in advance


You could create two scenes, one with an overlay, and another one without the overlay. Then set hotkeys for switching to the two scenes.


New Member
Two screens could work yes. How do you switch scenes with a hotkey though? Dont know that either :D


New Member
The reason I need the TAB key to switch overlay on off is because I intend to stream league of legend tournaments. While spectating you can press the TAB button and the ingame overlay vanishes. If I could get the same key to BiND my overlay, the commercials could vanish at the same time, so they dont disrupt the view.


New Member
Yes Ive gotten the scene down. Now I could really use information on how to bind the TAB key if its possible at all in OBS. Maybe ill need another program?


Sorry, but that is not possible. Can you change the button for the overlay getting hid in leagueOfLegends yourself?


I don't know about AHK, buy maybe you can get AutoHotkey to make TAB send the two switch scenes hotkeys alternating, and still have it be processed by LeagueOfLegends to enable and disable that hotkey.