Bug Report Kega Fusion Emulator Streaming Bug Fix


New Member
Hi, I'm new to the forums and I am not super familiar with the rules list, but hopefully as long as I'm polite I won't get my head bitten off. :)

First off, I'd just like to say that all of the work put into this project I praise highly. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't have ever started streaming. If I could donate right now I would.

So the bug I've been having pertains to streaming the Kega Fusion emulator. Whenever I try to enable it through game mode I can't get any sort of picture. When I attempt through window capture, It captures the first frame it sees of the emulation and stays stuck on it. Example below:
(I forgot to disable game capture for the screenshot, but it wasn't affecting it anyhow)

I know emulation capture probably isn't highest priority for you guys, but if this could be somehow fixed in the future I would appreciate it greatly.

Edit: I forgot to mention I am on Windows 7 64-bit, and Kega is a 32-bit application. Not sure if it helps at all, but I figured you should know.


heros in an halfshel
Re: Sega Emulator Streaming Bug

This is an issue with KEGA itself, it doesn't provide a proper texture handle for the DWM window itself. There is some setting that lets you change the renderer in KEGA, but I don't remember exactly where it is. There is also an option for (not) disabling desktop composition somewhere, you might have to turn on/off that one as well.

If you can't find any options that work (sorry for not remembering exactly what they were), you could always try Gens, which I from personal experience know works fine.


New Member
Re: Sega Emulator Streaming Bug

You are a saint. I disabled aero in the Fusion.ini and it works now. (freakin' ninja'd that response dude)

Edit: I think I'll add fix to the thread name in case someone comes here for the same reason.


New Member
Re: Sega Emulator Streaming Bug

paibox said:
This is an issue with KEGA itself, it doesn't provide a proper texture handle for the DWM window itself.

So does this mean it will be impossible for KEGA to ever work through game capture?


heros in an halfshel
That specific part of the post you quoted has nothing to do with Game Capture, it was about Window Capture.

At the time of writing this, Game Capture only supports DirectX 9 and up, plus OpenGL to some extent. If there is no way to make KEGA use either one of those, no, Game Capture won't work.


New Member
Hey guys, I'm struggling to make this workaround...work. I edited the only line in the Fusion.ini file that has "Aero" in it and I still seem to be unable to get more than a single frame of kega in OBS. Can someone help spell this out for me a bit more?
Thanks in advance.


New Member
1. Find the directory where your Fusion.exe executable is.
2. Open Fusion.ini
3. Change 'VistaAeroIgnore=0' to 'VistaAeroIgnore=1'
4. Save, run Fusion and try streaming again