Hi, I'm new to the forums and I am not super familiar with the rules list, but hopefully as long as I'm polite I won't get my head bitten off. :)
First off, I'd just like to say that all of the work put into this project I praise highly. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't have ever started streaming. If I could donate right now I would.
So the bug I've been having pertains to streaming the Kega Fusion emulator. Whenever I try to enable it through game mode I can't get any sort of picture. When I attempt through window capture, It captures the first frame it sees of the emulation and stays stuck on it. Example below:
(I forgot to disable game capture for the screenshot, but it wasn't affecting it anyhow)
I know emulation capture probably isn't highest priority for you guys, but if this could be somehow fixed in the future I would appreciate it greatly.
Edit: I forgot to mention I am on Windows 7 64-bit, and Kega is a 32-bit application. Not sure if it helps at all, but I figured you should know.
First off, I'd just like to say that all of the work put into this project I praise highly. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't have ever started streaming. If I could donate right now I would.
So the bug I've been having pertains to streaming the Kega Fusion emulator. Whenever I try to enable it through game mode I can't get any sort of picture. When I attempt through window capture, It captures the first frame it sees of the emulation and stays stuck on it. Example below:
(I forgot to disable game capture for the screenshot, but it wasn't affecting it anyhow)
I know emulation capture probably isn't highest priority for you guys, but if this could be somehow fixed in the future I would appreciate it greatly.
Edit: I forgot to mention I am on Windows 7 64-bit, and Kega is a 32-bit application. Not sure if it helps at all, but I figured you should know.