Question / Help Keeping below 100ms while streaming (WoW)


New Member

Picture above contains information about my settings and internet ( image)

On US-Tichondrious, stationed in Ontario, CA I usually get around 95-99 MS.

When I turn on my stream, sometimes there is no noticable difference, but it often spikes between 180-400 MS ingame and there is a massive delay on my abilitys.

The CMD SS in the picture showing how my MS Is sometimes 10, and sometimes 600. It constantly fluctuates between fine and unplayable.

I plan to stream arena so I need my MS to stay below 100ms.

Can anyone help? Will be monitoring this thread so I can provid any missing information, thanks.


Town drunk
Re: Good Internet, Terrible Stream? (WoW)

You only have 2mbps upload speed, and set your streaming bitrate to 6mbps. That's the problem. You need to maybe drop the bitrate down all the way to 1.5mbps

What the heck kind of ISP offers 125mbps download and only 2mbps upload? =/


New Member
Re: Good Internet, Terrible Stream? (WoW)


Switched my bitrate to 1500 and was getting fine MS for 5 minutes, now its constantly changing again. Sometimes 100 MS, sometimes 180, sometimes 400.

Any other suggestions / reasons why I can't stream while keeping my MS around or below 100?


Active Member
Test using the 6MB test on as Speedtest tests for dead-file transfer speed, where spiking above your rated speed and dropping well below is acceptable, so long as it averages out (many ISPs do this). Streaming (and game communication) require a set, stable, minimum throughput available at all times.
Also, you may want to use the CBR option; it spikes over the set bitrate less-often, and will deliver a more steady stream.

You may not have as much bandwidth as you might think (I'm rated for considerably higher, but only actually get between 2800-3200kbps stable). Beyond that? Network congestion, routing issues, even just other users on your connection (in-house, or if your neighborhood uses a shared concentrator) could all be contributing.


Community Helper
You'll also want to enable CBR, which will keep your own bandwidth usage from spiking around a bunch. With CBR disabled, your bandwidth usage will spike up a lot during high motion and big battles and such. Enabling CBR keeps things stable.