Question / Help Keep the size of the text locked


New Member
I use a script to output my current song into a text file, and then OBS reads the text file, but my song title lengths differ meaning that my text keeps going off the screen. Is there anyway I can lock it into the centre and then just have it scrolling rather than changing size every time the song changes?


New Member
The problem is that when the song changes, the text lengthens out. For example, when listening to a song with a short song title it's fine, like this

However, when a song with a longer song title plays, it lengthens out to the right rather than just scrolling more, like this

Is there anyway I can make it stay in the center and scrolling, and when the song changes still take up the same amount of space?


Town drunk
Yeah, just change the size of the text box. The text will only appear in the box that you set.


I think I know what his problem is. Play around with the 'custom extends'. Its above the 'wrap'-option.
That should fix it.