Jitter (with 180 of 29.97 fps with 1/60 shutter)?


Hi gang,

Its been a good year or more since I've done regular live streams and I'm setting up in a new location.

I used to run on an old Windows laptop with a basic NVENC graphics card, and I've just moved everything to a Macbook Pro Mid 2015 (AMD 2gb graphics) 16gb Ram, 2.5ghz and it's screen works at 60hz.

I'm experiencing this jitter, which I thought was the recording but I've just realised its doing the same jitter on the OBS screen when nothing is streaming or recording.

If you watch my hands/body movements I'm aiming for the smoothness you'd achieve from the 180 rule (29.97fps set on camera, OBS with 1/60 shutter speed). My Canon m50 ii normally gives good 1080p results.

Can anyone advise why this is happening on the Macbook, or do you think I must go back to windows?

Help appreciated!

Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/THImXOwvvVsTgWCy


Would any kind soul have any idea?

Interestingly I tested my Macbook Pro's refresh rate on a website and it said it was running at 31hz. My model is supposed to be 60hz so I don't understand why that is - but it may be affecting it?