Question / Help I've just randomly started to lag while streaming?


New Member
I've recently been using OBS to stream League of Legends in 60 FPS

All has been going well i've been using OBS to stream League for quite some time now, about a year or so now?

Today I've woken up, done absolutely NOTHING to my pc except install Call of Duty Black Ops 3 (On steam.)

And then after that finished I wanted to stream league for a bit and as i've started streaming my 200fps on league has gone straight down to 30 and the stream has lagged ferociously.

As i've said for about a year now i've been streaming in 60fps on league and have been getting a 100-200 frames while playing and no lag spike. Before I started streaming my frames were perfectly average to what I get when I don't stream.

I have no idea what's happening. I've tried reinstalling OBS and even tried to use OBS-Studio to see if that would work any better but it doesn't make a difference.

Please respond as fast as possible with any help. And if i've missed files or points im sorry, im new to posting on support ;~;
Please help. My stream is my life, (Yeah im not a big streamer) but I enjoy using OBS to stream so much and I don't want to miss out on any more streaming days ;-;

(I don't know if this'll help but here are my specs)

CPU: AMD FX 8350 CPU Eight Core Processor

GPU: Nvidia GTX 960 4GB

Motherboard: I dont know my pc is custom built ;-;

Ram: Don't know what kind, but I have 8 gbs of it.

Storage: 600gb spare out of 1TB

As i've said, i've made NO changes to my computer or my OBS I just installed CoD Bo3 and then it started to act up. And yes I even tried turning off and on my computer ;-;

Small Edit: I have updated my graphics drivers as well, in case that would affect it. Everything is up to date.

Edit: This has been fixed! I don't know how to delete a post, so hopefully a mod can help me out here or something.

But i've changed from using game capture to screen capture and for some reason that's fixed it (:
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