Bug Report I'v realized OBS crashes when a password must be typed, why?


New Member

I love OBS but using it in mac I've discovered that OBS crashes when I have to enter a password, wether it's in my terminal (for instance to send credentials to a git push action) or when introducing my password when purchasing an app on Appstore. So why is it so?

Any news?

Thank you very much.

Keep up the mac port!


New Member
This must have something to do with Secure Input. (I think) it prevents processes from being able to get keyboard input while typing in a password field. It's enforced by the OS and is used to defeat software that might be keylogging to get your passwords.

I know I had to give OBS 'Input Monitoring' permission - I assume this is for hotkeys. So, I disabled that permission since I don't need hotkeys anyway, and what do you know, OBS doesn't crash when entering passwords any more.

This is a workaround, though, so I'll try and figure out how to file a bug report.

EDIT: looks like this is being tracked in GitHub: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/issues/2292
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New Member
I was able to reproduce the same behaviour with MacOS Catalina 10.15.2 on a MacBook Pro 16" with OBS 24.0.6 installed. Essentially, any time a password field is displayed (such as in a web browser or operating system security prompt), OBS will be forcefully terminated if it has been whitelisted to monitor input (via system preferences, security and privacy, and input monitoring).