Question / Help Issues with tuning in stream - Need advice/help


New Member
Hi fellas.
I'm not really that good with these kinds of things so I would like to ask for your help.
I'm experiencing a lot of lag when I stream starcraft 2.

I'm going to go ahead and list up my components and internet connection and I would love to get some help in what kinds of settings I should use and how to tune them in accordingly.

CPU: Intel i7 3770k
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 (Kepler)
RAM: 16Gbit 1600MHz Vengence.

Internet connection: 100Mbit/10Mbit connection. (~10ms response at max)

Monitor: ASUS monitor 1920x1080 16:9 144Hz (Not sure if needed)

Not sure if I need to list up anything else but as you can see, my computer and internet connection is pretty solid. My computer runs fine, never been an issue for any game so far.

I want to Stream alot more Starcraft 2.
I've got Overlays on my stream (I know how to insert these).
There are 2x Images, 1x Webcam + 2x Texts + 1x Capture of spotify current song.
(I'm listing these up incase that might have anything to do with why I recieve Lags).

I havn't had that much lag before when running the stream plain clean with only sound, how ever its been a bit laggy and I think it can be optimized.

Is there anyone here who can suggest how to tune the stream in to run the smoothest for both me and the viewers?
720p is enough as I've had PM's saying that they cant run 1080p. (Is there a setting so my viewers can chose between 480, 720 and 1080?)

I really hope I can get some help from you guys,
thanks alot,

best regards,



First of all, of your latest stream that suffered a bit of lag, could you post the log? Here's how -- viewtopic.php?f=5&t=97

Secondly, regarding offering different resolutions to watch -- that is called transcoding and it is up to the staff to enable that for you. Typically this is only done for partners and/or people who actually participate in the Subscriber program. So, basically, only when your stream has been successful for an extended period of time. It is not something you can control on your end, unfortunately.

Last but not least, run an Upload test over at, making sure to pick a server near you. Obviously, you also want to pick the server closest to you in OBS, by the way. ;) To see what your semi-real-world upload actually is like. It is not a true figure but for lack of a flawless test it is the most reliable.


New Member
I will return with this information as soon as I get home from work.
I'll try posting the log and upload information for you.

Estimated 5-6 hours from now.
Appreciate the answers, until later


Active Member
Also, just as it tends to be the most common cause of lag/stuttering when streaming with OBS, be aware that under Windows 7, Monitor Capture is the SLOWEST capture method, and should be avoided at all costs.
Game capture is the best, followed by Window capture (with Aero enabled), followed by Window cap with aero off, and in dead last (by a long way)... monitor capture.

The logfile will tell us more though, just throwing that out as it's a pretty common cause.