Question / Help Issues with streaming my S9+ as a webcam to OBS Studios


New Member
Hello everybody,
this is my first time posting on a thread and I'm somewhat new to OBS stuff, so I'll do my best to explain my situation.
I am using 2-3 phones to stream to OBS Studio as browser sources. I believe in another forum it described the process to do this:
My problem lies in one of the phones I am using. In particular, my Samsung Galaxy S9+ will start to lag like crazy whenever I hook it up as a browser source to OBS studio. The lag worsens when there are more phones streaming to the same wifi network. I have tried hooking the S9+ up as a media source, and this just made matters worse. The app allows you to view the IP address video the phone is streaming on a web browser tab, but the lag is present there as well. I have reduced the resolution to the lowest setting and reduced the quality to the lowest setting at the same time but came out with no better results than I started. I have tried adding and readding the source, reinstalling the IP Webcam app, resetting my phone, and used a different network with no change. I streamed the phone all by itself on my network (with that device being the only device connected) and the lagging continued. I have also tried 3 different phones streaming on the same network at the same time with no issue at all, so it can't be my wifi or my router. I feel like the issue lies somewhere with the video signal my S9+ is putting out. Does anyone have some ideas on how to fix this?

Here is a log file of one instance when my phone was connected to OBS studios and was lagging: