Question / Help Issues with Editting


New Member
Tonight I recorded 2 <20min HD videos and when I went to edit them I got a error saying there was a "problem".

I use Windows Movie Maker, because I'm cheap and it's fairly low tech.
It's worked before with files from OBS but these 2 made it have a fit.

I have all the correct codecs and since I was redcording a MMO there's no re-dos.

If there's no work-around can someone recommend another good, free, no watermarks editer? (That's not a trial version)

I recorded them in MP4 format in 780p and successfully edited longer videos made using the same setting.
I've tried looking up the error but only getting the standard magic 8 ball "ask again later" style answers.


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Forum Moderator
If files from OBS are causing any problems, make sure to turn on "Use CFR" in advanced, and use AAC for audio. That typically solves most issues with local files.