Question / Help Issue With Capture Card(BMIP)


New Member
Hello there, I'm attempting to use OBS with a Black Magic Intensity Pro, I have Black Magic Media Express up and OBS, however, when I try to use the capture card as my video capture device nothing seems to appear in preview stream.
If anybody could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not all too familiar with using capture cards, even more so with OBS itself. Thank you very much in advance.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
May I see a log file? If you get a black screen with a device, there's a few possibilities:
1.) This could be the first time you're using the app, and you tried to set it up as a global source without adding it to the main sources box as well. It needs to be in the main sources box
2.) You have another app using that device, the device can only be used by one thing at a time.
3.) Some other sort of problem where I'd have to see a log file