Question / Help Is this in OBS Or Is this not a feature?


New Member
Ok, So Im sure you guys dont like being compared to Xsplit, But when I was using them, They had a really good feature, That you could play in 16:10 and stream in 16:9, Ive looked for this in OBS and can not find it, Is this something that is to come? Or is it already in there and im missing it?
Any help is much appreciated <3 :D


Community Helper
It's already in there...Just set your stream to a 16:9 resolution and capture your game being played in 16:10.

If you want, there is also a check mark to Ignore Aspect Ratio...if you do that, the image will stretch to fill the frame and get a bit distorted. If you leave it unchecked, it will play it without distortion, but you will get black bars on the sides.


Community Helper
I don't think so, but it's not hard.

Richt-click in the Scene box and add a new scene. Select the scene, right-click on the source box, and add Game Capture.

From there you can see the different options available to Game Capture, such as "Stretch image to screen" and "Ignore aspect ratio" (which is only enabled if you have "Stretch image to screen" checked).


Forum Moderator
Game Capture is not the only source that can do this; if you just stretch a source while in edit mode with the shift key held down, you can distort the aspect ratio like you want.