Question / Help Is there seriously no way OBS can eventually use both GPUs at the same time on Optimus systems?


New Member
The current solution seems completely insane to me. If you run OBS on the Nvidia GPU, you can stream the game, but you can't stream the desktop or any desktop apps. If you run OBS on the Intel GPU, you can stream dekstop apps, but not games. Changing the GPU used by OBS requires completely closing OBS, entering a setting withing Windows, changing it, and re-opening OBS. That's just... terrible.

Of course, this is all negated when using an external monitor. But the current usability of OBS when using it on the integrated display of an Optimus laptop is really, really bad.

Is it seriously impossible for OBS to just... use both GPUs? Grab some things from the Nvidia GPU, and other things from the Intel GPU? I'm sure the developers know what they're doing but the current way of handling Optimus seems incredibly... wrong.