Question / Help Is there a Way to Stream to Facebook Live Or Google Hangouts with OBS?

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New Member
im really curious about this being able to stream with obs with facebook live and etc would be fantastic tbh D:


New Member
well i mean i seen a few friends stream using the app since theres an IOS verison of the app for windows desktop but its very bad and screen caps worse than OBS 1990 edition [jokes aside] it would be nice if there was a plugin to synch to the IOS desktop app, but thanks for the reply figured id ask on the topic :L


Recently they published the specs, and I have heard of people using OBs to stream to facebook. See if you can find the webpage on their site that tells you what to do, and post the link here. We should be able to help you.


The Helping Squad
For Google Hangouts, I think it would still need a virtual webcam output to work.

I added a resource with the steps for OBS-Studio to stream to Facebook Live, including a video:
And the general info page from facebook:

If you have general questions, post in the discussion of the resource, and if you have "technical" problems, start a thread in the appropriate OBS-Studio forums section please.
(Posted for people that come here from google search, locking the topic)
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